Tarotscope For Thursday, March 13, 2025

Your Card: Nine of Wands, reversed

You’re not feeling like your usual brave and sure of yourself today. Now you’re tired and full of doubt. Something is making you feel heavy, Aries. Take a step back and rest for a while. Get down on the ground. The problem or challenge you face today will seem much less scary tomorrow. You will figure out a way to keep going even though things get hard. Give yourself time to learn more about yourself.

Your Card: Six of Cups

When you need to get in touch with your inner kid, the Six of Cups shows up. Spend the day or evening focusing on being happy and at peace in the present. What got you excited when you were younger? What did you like and find interesting? What gave you happiness? You should get back in touch with those things to give your life more direction and happiness for now.

Your Card: Seven of Swords, reversed

When you draw the Seven of Swords backward, it means that the truth will come out today. Setting the stage for openness and responsibility is important whether you have answers to give or clarity to give. If you did something that makes you feel bad, own up to it and try to make things right. If your gut tells you not to lie or be dishonest, don’t ignore it. Put everything on the table.

Your Card: Ten of Pentacles, reversed

When the Ten of Pentacles is turned over, it makes you think about the path you are on. Is it one that leads to your true desires? Do you want to live your life or do other people expect you to? What relationships, situations, or patterns are you stuck in because you’ve grown out of them? Are the things you’re working toward important to you?

Your Card: Six of Pentacles, reversed

Leo, be very careful today—there’s a snake in the grass! The Six of Pentacles shows up in the wrong place to warn of trickery and hidden agendas. This card also tells you to pay attention to the relationships in your life that don’t work out and don’t understand each other. Who makes you feel worn out? Which kind of kindness always comes with conditions? Who should make you feel cared for but instead make you feel ignored or alone?

Your Card: Page of Cups, reversed

Feeling blah, stuck, or numb lately? Have you been feeling emotionally untethered? That anxiety you feel—that has become harder to shake today—stems from emotions you’ve been suppressing. You won’t regain your spark or inspiration until you allow yourself to process those feelings unhealthily all starts with confronting them. There’s no time like now. Be courageous and let yourself feel them today.

Your Card: Two of Cups

Lately, have you been neglecting your love life or your most meaningful relationships? The Two of Cups is a reminder to nurture our deepest one-on-one connections. Plan a sweet date to connect with your significant other. Catch up with your family over a phone call. Spend quality time with your best friends. Check in with the people you love the most.

Your Card: Four of Swords

The Four of Swords is your cosmic sign to slow down and recover. If you keep going the way you’re going, your overexhaustion will be uncontrollable and you’ll find it hard to recover from the burnout. Dedicate part of your week to working on rest. Leave your to-do list for another day. Don’t think about work. Reschedule or cancel any commitments. Do the things that make you happy and calm.

Your Card: Ace of Cups

The Ace of Cups tells you that you will be renewed this week. You only need to help yourself where you need to be pushed. Being able to let go of past hurts, shame, or guilt is what this means. You can make room for new starts if you let go of that weight you’ve been carrying. Do not wait another day to talk about something you need to. Being open and honest will bring more love and beauty into your life.

Your Card: Queen of Wands

If you’re having trouble with fear, the best thing you can do is act like you’re sure of yourself. Caviar, act like you’re good until you prove it. Take on the energy of the Queen of Wands. She is sure of herself, charming, and her energy is hard to resist. Understand that you have the same kind of attraction. Use your strength to get through the rooms you need to do today. This is your sign that today is a good day to do something you’ve been afraid to do and stand out.

Your Card: The Magician

You have to believe in yourself, says the magician. When this card appears, you have the most power to create. Don’t let this chance slip away by being afraid to act. Do everything you can to reach your full potential, Aquarius. The magic and skills you need to make your dream come true are inside you. Fear and doubt in yourself are the only things that have been stopping you. Make today the day you show guts. Do those little first things.

Your Card: Page of Pentacles

The lesson from the Page of Pentacles is easy: Do more of the things that grab your attention. What you love is what will make you happy. Pisces, feed your artistic side. Refine your gifts and skills. Create just for the sake of making. Take a class. Tell the world about your unique point of view. Don’t miss this chance to get what you want.





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