Tarotscope For Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Your Card: Seven of Pentacles

If you feel like you’ve reached a limit today, Aries, don’t let it stop you from moving forward. We won’t always be able to give 100% every day. Sometimes we can only give 50% or even 10%. You must give something every day and be steady with it. If you feel like you’re not making as much progress as you’d like, you might need to change your plan and try something new to get the results you want. It could also mean you need a break. You can make big steps forward by changing just one small thing in your life.

Your Card: Nine of Cups

You might feel like you have very little to offer other people and everything to give yourself. That’s not true, though. Any amount helps people who are in need. How can you make other people feel better, even if it’s just a small thing like giving a homeless person your extra chance? Kindness done by strangers can make a big difference. Giving away all of your happiness isn’t necessary when you want to share it.

Your Card: The Devil

Understanding that change takes time is the first thing you need to do to improve yourself. You can’t expect to be full of energy when you wake up tomorrow, go to the gym, do your work, and then have time to solve world hunger. That doesn’t take place. Especially in the course of one night. On the other hand, you can start making small changes right now that won’t seem so hard. Every day, find small ways to change things, and the change you want will come. You’ll just have to be patient with yourself and the process.

Your Card: The Sun

The universe will be there to help you reach your goals, no matter what they are. There is no need to worry about the rest if you put in the work and energy. The thought of success can be very scary and seem like it’s too much for one person to handle. Cancer, thank goodness you don’t have to do this by yourself today.

Your Card: Two of Swords

“See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” came to mind when I saw your card today, Leo. Putting this sentence into the context of the Two of Swords, it seems that you are ignoring something that you could be doing something good about, even if you haven’t done anything wrong. While I understand that you just want to go about your day without any trouble, we all have a responsibility to speak out against injustice. If there is a wrong that you can make right, even if you weren’t the one who did it, why not? You are just as much to blame as the person who is making things worse.

Your Card: Five of Swords

What do you have to fight for, Virgo? Do you think this is worth it? Or are you ranting to “win” to make yourself feel better? Why do you keep putting yourself in a bad or harmful situation? Because you want to show other people that you’re the winner or better than them? But you might be lowering yourself to their level by getting involved in small drama when you can just leave. You will never win anything as long as you hang out with the people you want to “beat.”

Your Card: The Lovers

There are times when being good means hurting the people we love the most. You can’t let how much you care about someone stop you from doing the right thing, even if it hurts them in the end. That’s what the Lovers card says.

Your Card: Wheel of Fortune

Even though you might not fully understand this right now, the worst and most painful things that happen to us can sometimes make us the best versions of ourselves. Bull, things are going to get worse before they get better for now. But don’t worry—when things get better, you won’t even remember how bad they were. Giving up things now will be well worth the good things that are coming.

Your Card: The Hanged Man

Get over your fights with life, Sagittarius, and learn to work with it instead. Do not waste your time and energy trying to make other people better or fix all the problems in your own life. This could make things worse. Take a break from life for now. No matter how small or unimportant they may seem, think about what you can do for yourself and the things you can change in your life. Let life happen the way it will and be that.

Your Card: Six of Cups

No way. Capricorn, that’s the word for the day. What seems like the wrong choice is sometimes the right choice. We should enjoy every moment of our lives, and sometimes we feel happy and nostalgic when we think back on choices we thought were “stupid.” Why? Because the things that seemed like “stupid choices” made your life exciting, risky, and exciting, and they helped you become stronger and braver. Everything I’m saying makes sense, of course. To spice up your life and break up the monotony, maybe you need a little excitement. Trust your gut more than anything else. You can go back to times and places from old relationships, friendships, or events that happened years ago in today’s something from the past. Going back to the past isn’t always a bad thing, and it doesn’t mean you’re going backward Of course, this is all up to you to decide.

Your Card: Nine of Pentacles

Your future self will benefit from everything you do. This is what you need to hear today, Aquarius. Remember this as you go about your day and make decisions. What small choices or changes can you make right now that will make your future self and well-being better? Even though these small changes don’t seem like much at first, they add up over time. The rest fall after the first one.

Your Card: Seven of Swords

If you need to, Pisces, call people out today. Because you want to keep the peace, you always tell yourself to “let it go.” But what does that mean? No one has the right to treat you badly. It doesn’t matter if they say something rude or passive-aggressive. Make them know that you will no longer put up with this. And if they have something to say about it, they don’t belong in your life because they don’t treat others properly.





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