4 Signs That Are Better Than Most At Going After And Attracting Their Dreams

For some people, manifesting or making a dream come true can mean different things. We should always act and work toward what we want, but we’re told not to chase after things, but to attract them. So it’s not so black and white. Some zodiac signs are better at finding chances, while others were made to chase them. Then there are the four zodiac signs that are kind of in the middle.

Are you one of them? Find out how to balance your desire to chase and your ability to draw people by reading on.


You’re wired to work hard and happiest when you’re making progress toward a goal, learning new things, and working out your mind. You might think that you have to get something to have it, but you could hurt yourself in the process. What’s the answer? Getting better at attracting what you want. Because you are an Earth sign, you are very open to receiving, but sometimes you work so hard to find someone that you don’t have time or energy to receive. So, if you want to get what you want, you need to find a balance between chasing and drawing. Keep working at it, but take a break and let your results come to you. Working gives you a reason to live, but understanding that you deserve to be yourself is a whole new magnetic superpower you can unlock.


You’re good at sitting pretty. Many people would think that your dreams and goals just fall into your lap because you move with such grace and ease. To some degree, they do. You are very good at getting people to like you because Venus rules your life. You only need to want it from the bottom of your heart. As good as mine. But there’s a part of you that needs to be challenged so you can use your brain and figure things out. Action-oriented Aries is right next to your sign on the wheel for a reason: deep down, you are a strongly independent, confident, and brave warrior. You need to work out and use this part of yourself. Your sign is all about balance, so you need to find the right amount of chasing and drawing. That happy middle ground is very important.


Scorpio, no one is as attractive and magnetic as you. There’s no doubt that your ability to attract people is very strong. Because you are a Water sign, you like to go with the flow and are open to the idea of getting. You don’t just sit back and let the Universe do what it wants, though. Your traditional master, Mars, makes you ambitious, and you act when the time is right. You have a fire inside you. You have a tenacity that never gives up because it is driven by desire. When you combine drive and openness, you can make your days go by. When a Scorpion hunts, it uses traps and ambushes to catch its prey. You can use your gut to tell you when to go get something and when to wait for it to come to you. If you want to chase or lure, your gut will tell you.


You are very smart, and one of your favorite things to do is solve problems and find answers. This is the reason you might feel okay going after what you want. There is something so exciting about looking. It’s like being a mad scientist as you put all the pieces together to find answers and solutions. The airy part of you needs to be stimulated and busy all the time. You will always be moving forward and making progress, and your aura also has the power to bring people to you. This happens all the time when you have new ideas or thoughts that make you want to try something different. Uranus rules you, so in a way you are linked to the awareness and frequencies of the whole universe. It’s like a wizard is drawing your wildest dreams to you. You just need to believe it’s possible. You are smart enough to know that the world doesn’t always make sense. Some amazing things will happen if you can find a balance between eagerly seeking and openly receiving.





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