Eight of Swords, Two of Swords, and Ten of Wands are your cards.
If this analogy makes sense, they remember you in a similar way to how you remember wonderful sex: You always attempt to reproduce it, but it never really gets better than that. They hurt you a lot, but now that you’re free, they must bear the weight of your broken love. They may have broken your heart, but they broke their own. Even while they sincerely regret the harm they caused, this person—who was a kind of romantic masochist—still feels like a victim.
In any case, they wish they could apologize. They wish to express their gratitude for your soft love and tolerance with them. Sometimes they think of contacting you, but just before they send the message, they talk themselves out of it. They believe that letting you live in their absence is the best course of action. Even after all this time, they still worry that you won’t approve of them because of the Eight of Swords. Since it would indicate that they haven’t changed, they no longer want to let you down.
Your cards are the Prince of Swords, the Four of Swords, and the Six of Wands.
The way you recall a dream is how they remember you. Visions are clear when you first wake up, but a minute later you forget the specifics. Both of you had kind of forgotten about one another. You feel the memory when someone says their name, but you are unable to remember where it came from. They don’t remember a thought when they hear your favorite song, but they do remember a feeling. You blacked out the scenes because neither of you was emotionally prepared for love. But you were really important to them at the time. You were exalted in their hearts. They enjoyed listening to you speak and saw you as a kind of creative visionary. They believed you were saying something. They recall how you moved them, but they don’t recall what you said.
This particular relationship in particular had the potential to either improve or ruin you both. In this instance, I believe it was the latter. Despite your respective demons, you were unable to distance yourself from one another. Even though you both made a concerted effort to make it work consciously, the urge to destroy each other was simmering beneath the surface. You would both turn your cheeks and be fine with it if you saw each other on the street.
The Queen of Wands, the Ten of Pentacles, and the Prince of Pentacles are your cards.
They recall you as you recall your first childhood crush: as a tender, naive love that was spared by life’s realities. I believe you two have previously spent time together. In another life, maybe. Even though saying goodbye was painful, your love has already fulfilled its mission, and this is a wonderful thing. This love wasn’t practical in the real world. The chemistry wasn’t enough to productively navigate relationship obstacles.
You were meant to know one another yet heartbreakingly not meant to be together. Saying goodbye was the right thing to do. Though you both loved each other, being together would have held you both back from your greatest potential in life. You would have only grown resentful of one another.
You have both made peace with the past. It no longer hurts to look back and dwell on what was. Just know they think very highly of you. They still believe in you, more than most people in your life do. I imagine if you saw one another in public, you’d both grin and say hello.
Your Cards: Queen of Wands, Seven of Swords, Two of Wands
They remember you as the one who got away. Honestly, congrats. Who doesn’t adore being idealized as “the one that got away”? The point is, though, you never really went away since you were never genuinely theirs. When you first met, they were almost too terrified to say hello since they knew someday they’d have to say goodbye. Something about you made them feel insecure. They assumed that you would ultimately grow tired of them and go on because you are such an emotional person, Cancer. They secretly believed it wasn’t worth trying since they weren’t enough. They believed you would have figured them out eventually, so all of their attempts to be with you would have been in vain.
They weren’t meant to be with you; they were simply supposed to yearn for you. You stood for a future that has vanished. They were the moon and you were the sun; they were never out simultaneously. They were the night chasing sunshine. If you two ever met again, I think it would last only briefly. Emotionally intense at first, only for it to burn off soon after. They would kid themselves into believing that this time you would be there to keep them just to get their heart broken again. You are the one who escaped, and you will continue to do so.
The Queen of Pentacles, Three of Pentacles, and Ten of Pentacles are your cards.
They recall you in the same manner that you recall a fictional character: It is only an abstraction until you read the author’s descriptions of the imagery. Although characteristics are vague, we can infer that a character may have large eyes and a small nose. What is the character’s precise appearance? Everybody has a different way of picturing books. They remember you that way. You are a thought and a feeling. They recall the specifics even when they can’t quite see your face. They recall the intensity of your look, but they are unable to visualize your eyes. They can sense the warmth of your grin like sunlight after rain, but they have forgotten its curve.
They recall you as though you were a concept. To them, you resemble a concept. Something about you seems like fiction, even though your time together was genuine. They’ve kept you exactly as you were in the past in their minds. They’ve immortalized you like art, so they never have to let you go, just like the heartbroken artist. This abstraction of past love can last forever since they have built an eternity.
The Emperor, the Hierophant, and the Hanged Man are your cards.
They recall you as the person who restored their faith in love. They aren’t scared to take chances because of you. You showed them how to use introspection to discover their inner direction. Even though you two didn’t click, they came to terms with that. It will be if it was meant to be. Because you showed how they now have faith in it. There are no hard feelings because neither of you is a bitter person. You both acknowledge that sometimes circumstances dictate results and that there is nothing you can do about it.
Looks can be deceiving, and to be honest, Virgo, you can come across as a little sneaky. Over time, you gained their trust, which allowed you two to develop a sincere and profound bond free from lust. Forgiveness and justice prevailed. Compassion and passion. They still entrust their lives to you. In a poetic sense, I believe that you two will always be together. Although the exact amount is yet uncertain, this method is more enjoyable.
Your Cards: Three of Wands, Queen of Swords, Prince of Swords
They recall you in the same way that winter makes one yearn for summer. Sometimes we take the summer for granted. The temperature is too high. Too gummy. Too gory. Too much to bear. Then winter arrives, and we long for the warmth once more. They were unaware of the beauty and vigor you added to their lives. They were often too preoccupied with all the things they did not have. Where they saw silliness, you found purpose. Where you saw magic, they saw rationality. You valued innovation, and they valued objectivity but you found no joy in it.
But you sparked something inside of them with your kind demeanor and sense of beauty. Despite the short time you spent together, you two had a unique bond. All of them were gone from the earth. Somewhere in the universe, you two lived apart. They never saw that aspect of life until you presented it to them. They are now hopeful pessimists.
Your cards are Death, Princess of Swords, and Seven of Swords.
They recall you in the same manner that depressing music keeps playing in your mind. Every time they want to think of you, the music they listen to is infused with memories of your time spent together. On rainy days when the sun is still shining, you have a reassuring sense of grief. Nothing hurts more than realizing that you are gone, which is why they don’t want to emotionally let you go. There was something poetic about the way you looked. Your presence carries a certain air of mystery. They began to question whether they ever knew you at all the moment they believed they had you figured out.
One of the tarot deck’s most emotionally charged cards, in my opinion, is Death. Death is closely associated with love. We experience the same grief when a loved one passes away as when a romantic connection ends. The fact that someone who was once our entire universe is gone is initially denied. The idea of having to go on with your life without them is difficult to accept. Every time they leave us, they take a part of us that we can never get back. And just like in death, when someone you once loved is permanently gone, you are continually plagued by their presence in the embers of what was once a hot affair.
Your Cards: King of Pentacles, The Tower, Six of Pentacles
It was you who revealed the truth to them. This individual, in my opinion, enjoyed many advantages in life that they may not have earned. Consequently, their conceit overcame them. Before you came along, people were getting away with crap. Although you cared for and loved them, you also refused to put up with their bad behavior. They may have concluded that you are not the right person to mess with at some point after seeing The Tower and Six of Pentacles. They genuinely admire you for standing up for yourself, and they miss you terribly.
They spend a lot of time reviewing previous exchanges and evaluating your critiques of them. Repeating arguments almost compulsively, as though they were on video. They think your criticisms are valid and wonder how many others share your views. They have never looked inward like they do now because of your affection. Even if things ended badly, I believe that you two were able to repair something within each other. They are working hard to improve themselves with The King of Pentacles. You can positively influence people’s lives.
Your cards are the Seven of Cups, the Sun, and the Prince of Cups.
They recall you in the same manner that we recall our early years. This magic we only experience as children has returned to life because of your love. Their anxieties appeared to vanish as they melted in your embrace. The Seven of Cups has a chilly, sad vibe. We occasionally lose sight of reality because we are so engrossed in our fantasies. Although it’s not realistic, I believe that for them, remembering you as a dream feels safer.
Many people believe you to be quite serious, however this is untrue, Capricorn. You strive so hard to fulfill your dreams because, despite your serious outlook on life, you never lose sight of your inner kid. You have a strong understanding of who you are. For as long as you can remember, you have known who you are and what you want out of life. When someone gets to know you, they discover that you are much softer and more vivacious than they initially believed. On the surface, you appear cold and unloving. They were taken aback by your tenderness, but they enjoyed the journey there. No matter what you’re doing, you demonstrate to them how to have fun. You taught them to cry at joy and laugh at suffering.
Your cards are the Emperor, the Nine of Pentacles, and the Four of Swords.
They recall you as if you were a knife wound. All of the wonderful memories were tarnished by the way things ended. Both of you are still digesting what transpired. Before you can both view the situation objectively, it may take a while. One gets the impression that the Four of Swords is still healing. These scars may never fully heal, and the pain of all the dishonesty still aches.
There is a component of the Nine of Pentacles that ponders what may have been if circumstances had been different. It seems as though you two are still connected by an unseen thread. Both of you are unable to completely get rid of this residual energy. This energy has a strange equilibrium. They adore you when you detest them. They forget about you while you’re not around. You two hardly ever sync up. One day, you will be able to forgive each other with The Emperor. We can only do so much when we’re stuck in love because we’re only human.
Three of Wands, Nine of Wands, and Ten of Pentacles are your cards.
They recall you as the appropriate one who arrived at the wrong moment. They believe that you would prefer them just the way they are. Since you last saw them, their confidence has really increased. There you’d like their new look and mannerisms. The adage “right people, wrong time” doesn’t seem to apply to the Ten of Pentacles. This card conveys the idea that there is never a bad moment as long as you are with the right people. Do anything you want with that. Maybe it’s better to trust the universe with what isn’t and accept what is.
This is something that the Three of Wands like to think about since it motivates them to keep working hard. If they were given another shot with you, they would want to think that everything will work out. They believe that everything should have gone their way, but circumstances beyond their control prevented it from happening. They feel that they should be given another chance since they feel that the situation’s conclusion was unfair. The idea that you are right where you should be can bring you both peace, regardless of whether you two cross paths again.