Zodiac Signs: The Hidden Ways in Which Each Is Struggling

Even for the zodiac signs who seem to have everything, life is not always sunshine and stardust. To be honest, even if we present a strong front, occasionally we are all a disaster on the inside.

The interesting thing is that every zodiac sign behaves differently when things aren’t precisely perfect and the stars have a lot to say about how we handle those not-so-great days.

So let’s examine closely how each sign behaves when they are subtly not okay—you might even be able to identify yourself or your pals in these cosmic anomalies!


They keep themselves very busy.

Aries are renowned for their great vitality and relentless determination; so, while they are struggling inside, they direct that energy into continuous movement. They keep themselves busy—diving into work, hitting the gym harder than usual, or organizing social events—to help them ignore their thoughts.

Benevolent on the surface, their mind is racing with unresolved feelings they avoid facing. Though they seem to be busy, their restlessness results from discomfort they ignore.

Often when Aries is not doing well, sleep becomes a problem. Their minds never calm down, which results in late-night turning and tossing. They will keep presenting a brave front despite their tiredness, ensuring nobody suspects anything.

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Taurus is inherently powerful and independent; they hardly come right out and admit they are struggling. Rather, they rely on subtle cues, silently hoping someone will notice their suffering without their having to spell it out.

Instead of freely sharing their feelings, they will check in on you, wanting a chance to subtly weave their difficulties into your life. Though deep down they yearn for someone to care enough to ask the proper questions; they do not want to be a burden.

Should no-one observe, Taurus might withdraw into their routine and turn to comfort foods, music, or pastimes providing momentary solace. Still, their desire for emotional support permeates their placid façade regardless of how much they divert themselves.


They believe the issue will disappear if they ignore it.

Though they are natural communicators, Geminis turn become experts in avoidance when they are struggling. They persuade themselves that they will not have to deal with their issues if they ignore them.

Instead of owning their difficulties, they will joke about their life—even if things are disintegrating. Their coping tool becomes humor, a means of lightening even the worst of circumstances. Their suffering will become a joke, which will make it difficult for others to understand how severely they are feeling.

Gemini will quickly change course if you inadvertently strike a nerve by inquiring about their welfare. They will veer the discussion into something utterly irrelevant. Instead of being the one responding, they would much prefer to be the one posing inquiries.


They create their bliss.

Though they are profoundly emotional, cancers are also fiercely defensive of their vulnerability. They put on a show since they wish to spare others from suffering when they are struggling.

Even when their heart seems weighty, they will jest and laugh. They will present themselves as if everything is fantastic, hiding their grief behind a too-normal sense of life. They seem more likely to be quietly disintegrating the more happy they seem.

They won’t acknowledge what’s wrong regardless of how much they want someone to see through their charade. Their agony is carried alone since their feelings are too fresh to show; they hope no one will see the fissures in their frontage.


They lose it over something small, like running low on yogurt in the refrigerator.

Strong-willed and passionate, Leos start to bubble under the surface when they are quietly hurting. Rather than dealing with their actual problems, they will let their annoyance burst over little ones.

Something as little as a lost object or a delayed text can set off an extreme reaction. The weight of all they have been repressing disturbs them more than the minor detail.

Leos transfer their tension onto something small since they are proud and do not want to seem weak and try to hide their actual feelings. Someone who can see the deeper suffering they are hiding and past their outburst will be invaluable.


Virgos prefer their alone time.

Naturally analytical and introspective, Virgos withdraw into their universe when they are not performing as they should. They will separate themselves, choosing the solace of isolation above the company of others.

Their buddies will create excuses—saying they’re tired, busy, or just need rest—when they reach out. People hardly like to discuss their feelings. Before they let anyone in, they would much prefer to digest everything inside, breaking apart their emotions in secret.

These times will see them bury themselves in things that keep their brains occupied—reading, cleaning, working, or anything that lets them concentrate on something other than their feelings. Their method of coping is about restoring control in a world that suddenly seems overpowering, not about diversion.


They will do all necessary to support you.

Natural peacemakers and libras devote all their energy toward resolving issues for other people when they are covertly struggling. Being the best support system for those around them helps them to divert their feelings.

They will console, counsel, and listen to make sure everyone else is fine even if they are disintegrating inside. They pour their love and care toward others while they refuse to face their suffering. This sometimes results in their ignoring their wants, therefore enabling others to benefit from their goodwill.

Though selfless, this practice is unsustainable. The emotional weight of everyone else’s troubles finally becomes intolerable. Libras must keep in mind that although serving others is admirable, they too merit the same compassion and attention they so generously offer.


They are utterly the reverse of all the signals.

When something is not right, Scorpios do not do subtly. Unlike other signs that suppress their feelings, they let theirs run wild. They express their suffering by rage, cutting words, and even careless behavior; they do not try to disguise it.

Even if that individual has done nothing illegal, they will snap at everybody who crosses their path. Their emotions are strong, hence they have no trouble letting the world know they are dissatisfied, betrayed, or lost. Although it’s their means of cleansing negativity, it sometimes leaves them even more alone.

After the tempest passes, Scorpios withdraw into intense introspection and private processing of everything. Eventually, they will open up to someone they trust, but until then they would rather process their feelings alone. Giving a Scorpio space while yet reminding them they are not alone will help them during this period.


Usually the life of the party, Sagittarius withdraws totally when he is not performing as expected. They will vanish from social events and choose to remain in their rooms, only corresponding by text and internet chats.

They remove themselves, acting as though they are simply “busy,” since they do not want others to see them in a vulnerable position and are thus trying to manage their feelings. Their normal optimism wanes, and even if they might still crack jokes, their laughter has some hollowness.

From the outside world, they could seem normal, but those who know them well will detect something is different. Remind Sagittarius in this situation that they do not have to suffer through this alone; occasionally, a meaningful chat with someone who cares can help them heal very remarkably.


They lock themselves into the house. Their first choice is their beds.

Although Capricorns are renowned for their discipline and fortitude, they shut down when they are under hardship. Unlike their normal productive selves, they withdraw from the world, shunning social events and any obligations.

Emotional upheaval is draining for them, hence their reaction is to sleep it off, believing they would wake up feeling better. Highly odd for such an elaborate sign, they overlook calls, messages, and even work. A Capricorn has something very wrong when they sequester themselves in this way.

Though they do not often seek assistance, they value silent support. More to them than extravagant gestures can imply is a little check-in or a simple “I’m here for you.” They need time to refuel; eventually, they will have the will to face their feelings.


They are generally quite content and hopeful.

Although Aquarians are renowned for their free-spirited, creative brains, their whole perspective changes when they are subtly struggling. Their typical optimism gives way to extreme pessimism, and they start to view the world from a darker standpoint.

They begin delving deeply into existential ideas and challenging all aspects of life, relationships, and their purpose. Their tastes could turn to darker kinds of entertainment, books, music, or art reflecting their inner conflicts.

Their energy feels more remote, and ore introspective even if they still communicate with others. To people who know them well, they could seem “off.” Offering an Aquarius a safe environment free from judgment will be quite beneficial if they are retiring like way. Sometimes they just need someone to listen.


Dreamers of the zodiac, Pisces deal with their problems by psychologically fleeing reality. They withdraw into their imagination when they are not performing well to create other universes in which things seem safer and more consoling.

They will ignore books and letters, and vanish from social media without comment. When they do hang out with pals, they grow very quiet and immersed in their thoughts. Though they experience things profoundly, they withdraw into fantasy as a kind of self-preservation rather than sharing their suffering.

Supporting a Pisces best involves gently guiding them back to reality with compassion and patience. They need comfort knowing they are not alone and that it is acceptable to communicate their feelings instead of hiding them. Their sensitivity is their best asset; only when they let themselves analyze their emotions rather than run away from them will this be evident.





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