Zodiac Signs

3 Zodiacs Who Yearn For Emotional Depth But Stay Guarded

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This zodiac sign can appear tough, but deep down they’re deeply sensitive creatures who struggle with overthinking and perfectionism. Virgos only show you what they want you to see. If this zodiac sign has self-constructed walls standing tall around their heart, it’s because they try hard to keep their self-perceived flaws hidden. They have a reputation for being critical, but there’s no one that they’re harder on than themselves. Deep down, they struggle with the notion that they’re not “good enough,” an idea exasperated by having been misunderstood in the past. There’s nothing they feel more afraid of than laying themselves bare for someone. Virgo doesn’t want to be judged for their imperfections. They also fear exposing their weaknesses for fear of those being used against them. Virgo is so afraid of being vulnerable only to get hurt.

They only let you in if they can trust you, and it takes a lot of patience to get Virgo to trust you. They won’t until they’re certain you won’t do any damage to their heart. In romance, they struggle even more with becoming close to someone. They will internalize their feelings and try to rationalize them away, even when all they want is to love and be loved. Deep down, they’re romantics who crave emotional intimacy, but they let their fears and anxieties get in the way. Dating is difficult for them because they don’t want anything casual, so they hold themselves back thinking that’s all anyone wants in these modern times. If Virgo would just embrace the unknown and understand that looking for love is worth the risk of heartache, they’d get that serious, committed connection they desire.

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Scorpio’s deepest desire is also their greatest fear: knowing profound emotional intimacy. They’re so afraid of being known. A tiny part of that has to do with them being deeply private and secretive creatures. After all, they’re ruled by Pluto, the planet named after the god of the underworld, which also influences some of the “darkness” they try to keep hidden, for fear of not being worthy or accepted. Mostly, they’re afraid to open up because being so guarded is the only way they know how to protect themselves. Naturally, they’re suspicious of the intentions of others, but it’s more than that. Scorpio has been significantly hurt in the past, which thickened its armor to the near point of impenetrability.

No one can match their intensity, their passion, or the depth of their love. When they love someone, Scorpio doesn’t merely give away a piece of their heart, but they place the whole beating organ into the hands of their beloved. Heartache, especially caused by dishonesty or betrayal, affects them in ways for which there are no words. They couldn’t bear to come face to face with it again. To love again, would mean losing another part of themselves. Some of their old emotional wounds also involve having been made to feel as if they’re “too much.” Their ardent love and fierce way of being were weaponized against them by those who were undeserving of their beauty. Now, they’re afraid of showing too much or expressing too much. If Scorpio would stop letting their history and worst anxieties control them, they’d learn that there’s someone out there who has always dreamed of a love as ferocious as theirs—that it could be reciprocated. Scorpio needs to understand that daring to be vulnerable again after having their heart broken is a sign of resiliency.


Aquarius is one of the most misunderstood signs of the zodiac. Often, they’re mistaken as being someone who is unemotional, cold, and detached. Anyone fortunate enough to be close to an Aquarius can testify that isn’t the case at all. Aquarius isn’t distant, they just spend a lot of time living on their own and trying to process the world around them—so much so that they become overwhelmed and require solitude to decompress. Contrary to popular belief, Aquarius has a lot of emotions, which they feel deeply, they just struggle with being able to express them. Try as they might to think their way out of their feelings, it never works for them. This zodiac sign also requires trust and emotional security to let someone look in through the window into their internal world. So, no, they’re not surface-level or superficial—they’re just careful who they let in on their hopes, fears, and secrets.

If they’re guarded, it’s only because they once wore their heart on their sleeve and it went badly. Now, they struggle with letting themselves be discovered and feeling exposed. Dealing with the emotional realm and being expressive is almost uncomfortable to them. They also need their space and alone time to thrive. Most people aren’t looking for the kind of unconventional relationship Aquarius would have. For them, it’s almost easier to avoid vulnerability, and instead seek something casual as opposed to committed, but they want something more. Aquarius desires a lasting, meaningful connection with someone who will stimulate them intellectually. They crave something real—deep emotional intimacy. It might just take them longer to get there than others, and in most cases only with a strong foundation of friendship.

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