Zodiac Signs

How Your Zodiac Sign Is Blocking Your Manifestations

Have you been manifesting the same goal for a long time, yet never seem to achieve it? Does the thing you want the most always seem just out of your reach? Your manifestations are probably blocked, but the good news is, there’s something you can do about it. Here’s what’s preventing you from accomplishing your goals, based on your zodiac sign, and how you can remove these blockages to fulfill your dreams.

Aries: Impatience

As the first sign of the zodiac, you are used to instant gratification, dear Aries. You are always first in line and want everything done quickly. The things you are manifesting are on their way; you just need to be a little more patient. You may also want to spend more time on your manifestations. Instead of rushing your rituals or doing the work hastily, put more concentration and effort into the things you desire the most.

Taurus: Stubbornness

You know what you want, dear Taurus, and you aren’t afraid to go after it. But you can be quite stubborn and resistant to change. When the manifestation methods you’re using aren’t working, it’s time to try something new. If you always meditate on what you desire, try journaling or creating a vision board instead. If you are stuck on a very specific goal, try focusing just on the next step instead of the big prize, or adjusting your expectations of what success looks like. When you challenge yourself to be a little more adaptable and flexible, your dreams will come true.

Gemini: Lack of focus

You’re all over the place, dear Gemini. You have such a complex and multi-faceted personality that your goals are numerous and varied. But when you try to manifest so many different things at once, your energy gets scattered and you accomplish nothing. Instead of trying to have it all at the same time, pick one thing to focus on and put all your manifestation efforts toward it. You’ll be amazed by how much you can achieve when you set your mind to just one purpose.

Cancer: Insecurity

You know you’re not giving your manifestations one hundred percent, dear Cancer. Your insecurity is holding you back. Perhaps you fear success or don’t think you’re ready for your dreams to come true. But you’ve got what it takes to get what you want; the only thing stopping you is you. Quit making excuses and telling yourself you’re not good enough, and throw your whole being into your manifestations. Once you convince yourself that you are worthy of the things you desire, you will get them.

Leo: Pride

You always come across as confident and self-assured, dear Leo. So others would be shocked to learn that you’re deathly afraid of failure. You crave attention, but you only wish to be seen in your best light. You’re terrified of coming across as unsuccessful or defeated. But mistakes and failures are always part of the journey to getting anything worth having. You must learn to set your ego aside in the pursuit of your dreams. When you place more importance on your goals than your pride, you will get what you want.

Virgo: Perfectionism

You know exactly what you want, dear Virgo, and you have a very precise vision of what it looks like. While other zodiacs may struggle with picturing their manifestations clearly, you have the opposite problem. You are so strict and rigid with your goals and how you must achieve them that there’s no room for what the universe knows you deserve. Perhaps you’ve already achieved your goal, but it just doesn’t feel the way you envisioned it. Or maybe your dreams aren’t wild enough, and there’s something bigger in store for you than you could even imagine. Open yourself up to the possibilities and let the universe surprise you.

Libra: Self-sacrifice

Are you manifesting what you want for yourself, dear Libra, or what other people want for you? You know you tend to avoid confrontation, and you just want everyone else around you to be happy. But what about your happiness? Pleasing other people will only keep you content for so long. You’ve got to look inward, drown out the outside voices, and get clear on what you’re truly after. When you focus on the dreams that come from your truest, most authentic self, they will come true.

Scorpio: Comparison

You’re a fascinating dichotomy, dear Scorpio: on the one hand, you couldn’t care less what anyone else thinks. On the other, you crave admiration and respect from others. Although you know what you want, you’re afraid it’s either not impressive enough or too lofty of ambition, so you adjust your manifestations to become something different from what you desire. You have to let go of jealousy and comparison. What you truly want is exactly what’s right for you, and you have the power to achieve it.

Sagittarius: Inconsistency

You have so many dreams you’d like to achieve, and you’re constantly buzzing from one idea to the next, dear Saggitarius. The problem is, that you fear being stuck or trapped, so you’re inconsistent with your manifestations. For example, your goal is to buy a house, but truthfully you’re reluctant to settle down in one place. You dream of the perfect vacation, but there are so many places you want to go that you don’t get very far in the planning process. Consistent effort and energy toward one genuine goal is the key to getting what you want. Trade your romanticized idea of limitless possibilities for actually getting the handful of things you truly want.

Capricorn: Imbalance

Are you manifesting the right things for yourself, dear Capricorn? There’s no denying how ambitious and hard-working you are. Your manifestations likely revolve around your career goals, but there is more to life than work. What about the other things that matter, like love, friendship, hobbies, health, and happiness? Instead of focusing solely on climbing the corporate ladder and making money, you need to bring some balance into your manifestations. Examine your life and look at where you deserve to grow. Put energy toward something outside of your usual focus, like taking up running or spending more time with friends. Your abundance will grow when you attempt to build a balanced life.

Aquarius: Independence

You protect your independence fiercely, dear Aquarius. No one would dare suggest that you aren’t perfectly capable of taking care of yourself and reaching goals on your own. But you’ve got to learn that it’s okay to let others in and ask for help sometimes. You’ll achieve your ambitions much faster when you humble yourself and allow people to work with you. You enjoy helping people, so why deny others the same pleasure? Collaboration is the key to fulfilling your dreams.

Pisces: Impracticality

No one dreams bigger than you, dear Pisces. You have lofty goals and the magical ability to achieve them. The problem is, that u rely too much on luck and manifestation to get what you want. It’s not that you’re lazy; you’re just not very practical. You see the big picture rather than the little details and the work it takes to get there. So, break down the realistic, actionable steps toward your biggest goal, and start manifesting the first step. When you create a reasonable plan to reach your dreams, you can go anywhere.

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