Zodiac Signs

4 Zodiacs Who Must Navigate A Huge Surprise In October

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Being lied to is one of the biggest surprises we can face in life, Libra, but you can take this experience in stride if you focus on the right outlook. It’s a choice someone else made, and it says everything about them and nothing about you. You weren’t lied to because you’re too gullible, or because you don’t pay enough attention, or because you weren’t smart enough to figure it out on your own. You were lied to because someone else was too afraid or too selfish to show you the respect you deserve. You can rely on and take pride in your ability to love and trust others. Nothing with how you approach the world has to change. You just have to incorporate this new information into that reality.

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Falling in love can be so surprising it feels like a jump scare, Aquarius, especially if you weren’t looking for it in the first place. All of the adrenaline and the hormones and the nervousness can feel like a rollercoaster you just want to get off of, and it’s okay to feel that hesitation. The best thing you can do is to honor your feelings. Explore them, good and bad, because this is the kind of surprise that can’t be shoved back in the box once it’s been let out. It changes everything. If you give yourself enough grace to let the dust settle, you can figure out how this monumental change fits into the rest of your life.

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Your surprise, Capricorn, is a monetary one, so whether it’s a bonus, an inheritance, or a winning lottery ticket, your bank account will increase as a result. This newfound economic stability comes when it’s most needed. Maybe your car has been having trouble, your couch cushions barely have any stuffing left in them, or you’ve needed some extra capital to invest in your education or a business idea. Try to find balance here. You can’t be too afraid to do anything with these funds, but you can’t go spend it all on a giant swimming pool full of Starburst either. Trust in your ability to take this good luck and use it in a way to support yourself in the long term.

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You are the one who surprises yourself this month Gemini. There’s something you are about to do you never dreamed you were capable of. Maybe there’s been a gym rat inside you all along just dying to crank out some pull-ups. Maybe you’ve always had the natural rhythm it takes to nail some Bollywood choreography. Maybe paying attention in the kitchen with your grandma helped you pick up the culinary skills needed to open your restaurant. Whatever you least expected of yourself will take shape through a unique opportunity this month. If you just allow yourself to give it a genuine try, you will leave your jaw on the floor with the results.

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