Zodiac Signs

What You Should Release During This Week’s Full Moon, Based On Your Zodiac + Tarot

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Your Card: Strength, reversed

Let go of self-doubt, Aries. This Full Moon in your sign is calling on you to start living life as unapologetically and authentically you, and by your own rules. You’re being pushed to take control of your destiny under this lunation. Release all the insecurities that stop you from making progress on your ambitions. Stand up to the self-limiting beliefs that leave you confided. Identify where you lack conviction and tap into your inner strength. Embrace your idiosyncrasies and everything that makes you uniquely you, so that you may fully come to harness your power.

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Your Card: Knight of Wands, reversed

When the Knight of Wands appears in reverse, it’s an indication that things aren’t going well. This card can represent apathy, passiveness, and scattered energy. Often, it denotes a loss of power. By drawing this card, you’re being urged to take some time for serious reflection. With your spiritual twelfth house being activated under this lunation, it’s now important more than ever. As you dive deep into your inner world, identify the parts within you that need healing. Your emotions, mind, and memories may be in overdrive, but this is just a sign that you need to release old wounds. Doing so will be cathartic. It will also give you back the focus and power you’ve been without for so long.

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Your Card: Two of Cups, reversed

Drawing the Two of Cups in reverse indicates that there’s disharmony in one or more of your closest relationships. This card advises you to let go of the imbalance, miscommunication, and misunderstandings you have with others. As the Full Moon in Aries transits your eleventh house of friendships, community, and networking, you must place effort into reaching any resolutions you need to reach. Release conflict and pettiness, and work it out with people who matter in your life and with those you collaborate with. As painful as it is, sometimes it’s best to swallow one’s pride and take that first step in opening up the conversation.

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Your Card: Death

Death is one of the most invaluable and powerful cards to draw in a reading. It represents transformation, change, renewal, and growth. This magical card is indicative of an abundant new beginning waiting just within your reach. For that to happen, there are things you’re going to have to release first. Perhaps, it might even be necessary to kill the parts of yourself that keep you confined. With this week’s Full Moon electrifying your tenth house of career and aspirations, you’re being called to let go of everything that holds you back from making any progress—procrastination, lack of focus and conviction, distractions, toxic habits, self-sabotaging behaviors, old beliefs, self-doubt. Think about what stops you from reaching new heights, and leave those things behind.

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Your Card: Ace of Cups

The Ace of Cups represents an awakening, renewal, rebirth, and creativity. With this card come infinite possibilities, which is apt with the Full Moon activating your ninth house of expansion, philosophy, and adventure. During this lunation, you should release everything that stands in the way of you inviting more experiences into your life—fear, comfort in familiarity, old beliefs, your stubborn mindset. Open yourself up to different perspectives by immersing yourself in the world and living life to the fullest. Stop saying no, and start saying yes. Embrace the possibility of new connections and new learning. Embracing the unknown will bring you boundless inspiration and growth.

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Your Card: Six of Wands, reversed

You had an experience, recently that has stayed with you, that eroded your confidence. It was some sort of a big mistake, failure, or disappointment that made you lose faith in your abilities and potential. Let go of that self-doubt under this Full Moon. Release all the fears and anxieties that this challenge left behind. Shut down all those unkind doubts you have about yourself. Close the door on the self-limiting beliefs that confine you. Your powerful eighth house of rebirth is activated under this lunation. Take advantage of this transformative energy to step into a more empowered, self-assured version of yourself.

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Your Card: Six of Swords

The Six of Swords shows up when it’s time for you to leave behind what feels safe and start forging a new path. With the Full Moon illuminating your seventh house of partnership, this means you need to embrace new opportunities when it comes to harmonious unions—romantic relationships, creative collaborations, business partnerships, and significant connections. Challenge yourself to explore possibilities outside of your comfort zone when it comes to these aspects. Date someone the complete opposite of your type. Take a leap of faith with your significant other. Partner up with a colleague to create something extraordinary. Try something new, Libra. You need this transition.

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Your Card: The Tower, reversed

When The Tower shows up in reverse, it signifies that you’re either delaying something that’s only inevitable or that you’re avoiding an extremely necessary shift. Whether you’re avoiding a difficult conversation, walking away from a relationship or situation, breaking a fantasy, accepting that your dreams or desires have changed, moving on, or breaking old habits, it’s time to stop. With this Full Moon lighting up your sixth house of wellness and routine, this card is also an indication that you need to release your resistance to personal change regarding your mental health and habits. Examine what patterns you need to break that erode your well-being and invite stress into your life. You need to also identify behaviors that stop you from making daily progress in your work and duties. Leave them behind.

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Your Card: The Moon, reversed

The Moon shows up in reverse when you’re disconnected from yourself and have been neglecting your deeper instincts. This card wants you to get back in touch with your inner world, pay attention to your thoughts and feelings, let your intuition guide you, seek honesty, and remain authentic in your actions and interactions. It also asks you to let go of your fears and clear any negative energy out of your life. The Full Moon in Aries lands in your fifth house of romance and creativity, so your focus should be on releasing any anxieties and confusion regarding matters of the heart. It’s also important for you to break any habits or beliefs that prevent you from practicing free and unapologetic self-expression.

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Your Card: Nine of Wands

The Nine of Wands wants you to release your feelings of weariness and exhaustion, and to remain certain that no matter the challenges, you’re on the right path. The Full Moon is a perfect time to let your batteries recharge, especially with it landing in your fourth house of home. Carve out some time alone in your sacred, cozy space. Rest. You’ve been working too hard and putting out too many fires. Get your head straight, and remind yourself of all the reasons why you can’t give up now. Remember why what you’re doing is worth all the blood, sweat, and tears. A quiet night might be all you need to regain your determination. You’re a creature of perseverance and resilience, Capricorn, don’t quit now.

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Your Card: Three of Wands

The Three of Wands invites you to release your complacency under this Full Moon. This card challenges you to dream bigger and try harder. You may have built a wonderful life for yourself and you may have crossed certain things off your list, but don’t you want more for yourself? Now’s not the time to get comfortable. Look around to see what more could be out there waiting for you. What more do you want to accomplish, Aquarius? How could you better plan for your future? How could you take it to the next level in your personal, romantic, or professional life? Opportunities won’t come knocking on your door, you have to get out there and chase them.

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Your Card: Seven of Cups, reversed

The Seven of Cups appears in reverse just as the Full Moon lands in your second house of income as a wake-up call to stop making financial choices with a lack of clarity and intention. You need to release your bad habits when it comes to your finances. This means letting go of reckless and frivolous spending. You need to check yourself, Pisces. It’s time to get serious about your financial future. Keep your dreams in mind now, so that you may possess all your earthly desires later. Learn to better budget and save. Stop maxing out your credit card. Just because you like it and you can buy it, doesn’t always mean you should. Start spending smarter.

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