Zodiac Signs

5 Zodiacs Who Are The Most Untrusting In Love

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Are you plagued by jealousy and suspicion in relationships? Do you have a hard time opening up to your partner, even though they’ve given you every indication that your emotions are safe with them? Have you ever turned down someone you like, because you were sure they would ultimately reject you and you wanted to beat them to the punch? Then you may belong to one of the five zodiacs who are the most untrusting in relationships. Here are the star signs that struggle with suspicion in relationships, and how astrology explains their lack of faith in love.

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Cancers may be one of the zodiacs who are the most untrusting in relationships, but they also desperately crave love. This star sign is perfectly represented by the crab: a tough outer shell they wear at all times, concealing and shielding a soft, vulnerable inner self. Cancers are very private and may come off as aloof, but as a water sign, they are deeply sensitive and emotional. They just don’t open up to many people because they are so afraid of getting hurt. Cancers are cautious at the beginning of relationships; they don’t trust others to understand them and to be careful with their hearts. Once they feel safe with someone, they are completely devoted, it just takes a while to get there.

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Virgos are so untrusting in relationships that they are unlikely to enter one in the first place. As highly observant, detail-oriented perfectionists, Virgos notice everything and they are constantly spotting flaws. They don’t trust others not to let them down because they are disappointed so easily. It takes a very special, patient person to bring their walls down and get them to open up. Even in a committed relationship, Virgos remain suspicious – they start looking for problems, certain that everything couldn’t be going this well. They are also always trying to fix and improve the relationship (or their partner) as a defense mechanism: if they’re constantly analyzing the issues and working on them, they can prevent anything from going wrong, right? But this often ends up driving their partner away, as they feel scrutinized and criticized. Virgos would be better off accepting their partner unconditionally instead of constantly trying to change them and trying to find problems in the relationship.

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As the ruler of the zodiac’s eighth house, the house of merging and intimacy, Scorpios yearn for romantic love. They crave a soulmate connection and are eager to find their forever person. But Scorpios are also naturally jealous and suspicious, playing detective to make sure their lover is being faithful. You can have no secrets in a relationship with a Scorpio; they want to know everything from your first crush to your deepest insecurities. Nothing less than total and complete honesty will do for them, and if they think you are lying, you will be found out. As a water sign, Scorpios are highly intuitive and can sense when something is off with their partner. Something as small as a shift in body language or a change of tone puts them on guard and makes them wonder what their loved one is hiding.

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Capricorns come off as stoic and cold, but deep down, they are swimming in emotions. They have a hard time trusting in relationships because they are secretly very sensitive – they don’t want to get their heart broken, which would make them feel like fofoolsThey view choosing the wrong partner as an embarrassing lapse of judgment, and they don’t want anyone to know about it. Capricorns are also very private – they don’t trust others with their emotions, so they keep most things to themselves. It’s extremely rare for a Capricorn to cry in front of you or share their secrets, and it means they have intense feelings for you.

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Aquarians are lone wolves, and they are perfectly content with being single. They are fiercely protective of their independence, and they don’t trust a partner not to take their freedom. It takes a lot to convince them that the joys of partnership could be as good as being alone. Even when they like someone, they resist committing or putting a label on the relationship. It’s not that they want to keep their options open; they just reject conventions, want to avoid the pain and discomfort that comes with a breakup, and worry they won’t meet their partner’s expectations. Only a strong, long-standing connection with a very special, patient person will make an Aquarius shift their suspicious mindset about relationships.

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