Zodiac Signs

4 Zodiacs Who Can’t Resist Feeling Nostalgic

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As the zodiac who spends the most time far from home, they are the ones who miss it most often. Seeing foreign lands, cuisines, and customs reminds them of all the things they did like about their hometown. Has the craving, unbelievably, mom’s meatloaf. As thrilling as new experiences may be, they also have an uncanny habit of reminding us just how much distance is between us and our childhoods. Just how fleeting the things we once depended on and took for granted can be. Catching fireflies on a summer’s night when the sun sets later and bedtimes get postponed. Drinking hot chocolate while admiring a snowman through a frosted windowpane. Adulthood can live up to all the dreams we had for it, but it’s in living them that Sagittarius comes to appreciate most the time and place those dreams were first formed.

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Leo is a hoarder when it comes to friendship. The Eras Tour friendship bracelets are the perfect analogy – the more the merrier in Leo’s mind. They have saved more notes, more Polaroids, more gifts, t-shirts, and memorabilia from the good times they’ve spent with the people they love than anyone else. Cleaning out their closet or moving apartments is a nightmare for them because no matter how much anyone protests, they simply won’t get rid of anything in the process. Concert tickets, scrapbooks, and birthday cards are all precious reminders of the love they have built over the years. They start to equate the belongings with the relationship, and can’t bear to part with a single item. When they do take the time to look through everything, they are instantly transported back to those events and those people, even if they haven’t seen them in years.

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Libra is the zodiac who lives in two worlds at once. Whatever new endeavors they face in their present reality, they are always taking their pasts with them in a positive way. They don’t lug around baggage or trauma like a burden, they wear all of the love and traditions they’ve inherited like a blanket or a medal every day. Something that comforts them and creates a sense of pride. They never forget their roots, even as they are sprouting new shoots. Every part of their life is connected. The motivation, the hard work, the encouragement. They do a really good job of being self-aware, and even accepting the negative parts of their past, because they have found sense and purpose for those experiences in their present. They are grateful for where they’ve been because it’s led them to exactly where they stand today.

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Capricorn is nostalgic because there is the most playful inner child hiding behind all of that adult responsibility. The dedicated employee, standout citizen, member of the HOA, and entrusted aunt/uncle/babysitter remembers the days when life was much simpler. When they didn’t need to figure out how to change the water filter on the refrigerator and pay their taxes. When they could just play with chalk or read a book under a makeshift tent. When life becomes a little too hard or stressful, they remember the days when they could just ride their bike up and down the sidewalk. When leisure wasn’t something to be snuck into the day like a snack. They yearn for that sense of freedom and innocence and occasionally find little ways to honor it in their current routine. No one ever really outgrows an ice cream bar.

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