Zodiac Signs

A Tarot Reader’s For Your Zodiac During Jupiter Retrograde (October 9 – February 4)

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Jupiter is viewed as representing fortune, expansion, and wisdom by astrologers, and it’s also associated with abundance and generosity.  Every year, Jupiter turns retrograde for a few months. This year, Jupiter’s motion will turn retrograde starting October 9th. When it moves retrograde, it is most often interpreted as being a time to pause and reflect on what we’ve been learning.

Jupiter’s spent time in the sign of Gemini since May, leading us to explore new, larger questions and engage with our innate curiosity. Take a look back over the lessons learned and consider where they can be most aptly applied. As Jupiter is a forward-looking planet, it is the rising sign that is impacted the most by it going retrograde. You can find out your rising sign using our BirthChart Calculator.

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Look up your Rising Sign in the list below for some tarot-driven advice regarding what to do during the period of Jupiter’s retrograde!

This reading combines astrological information about your rising sign’s experience of Jupiter retrograde integrated with a tarot card reading.


The Sun

It’s a time to slow down and reflect, but it’s also important that you spread the joy you’re feeling. As you look over the last several months, there’s a lot to feel good about, and a lot to be enthusiastic about in the future. When you examine the last several months, be sure to note what moments triggered joy for you. Center that joyful feeling, and share it as you contemplate what you’ve experienced over the last few months.

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The Emperor, Reversed

Focus on your inner self, and allow that though you’ve had a lot of strange experiences, you’ve been in control of the journey. As Jupiter turns retrograde after all that activity, you’ll be in ‘receiving mode.’ Embrace the clarity these moments give you, it’s an opportunity for you to review the past several months and apply that knowledge to structure support for your future.

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The Knight of Pentacles, Reversed

Take a moment to use a ‘wider lens’ as you pause and integrate your lessons learned.  Don’t get hung up in the day-to-day details, look instead at the bigger picture. Your work ethic is indisputable! To finish the job/cycle you started you’ll need to acknowledge the impact of the last several months on your spiritual self and do some inner work. You now have the opportunity to create strong roots for your future.

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Ten of Wands, Reverse

Intuitively, you realize that one of the lessons you’ve been presented is that not every burden is yours to carry. You’ve been given time to undertake all the inner work needed. Treat your energy as sacred (it is) and preserve it. Use Jupiter’s retrograde period to examine what you’ve been giving your energy to so you can ensure it’s something that supports your goals. Don’t dwell on what you’re letting go of, instead become enamored with what you can choose to focus on.

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Nine of Wands

Jupiter in Gemini brought a lot of busy time for you – you’ve barely had time to breathe much less get through it all. Be sure to honor the impact that had on you. You’ve been pushing against your limitations as you went through that period, so some old wounds were reopened that you need to heal. Healing is integral to your ability to fully process all of the lessons that you learned so you can move forward.

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The Hermit, Reversed

As you take some time out, you’ll have a lot of time to notice that your inner and outer worlds feel more interconnected than usual. Create space and time to meditate on the inner experience of that interconnectedness. This Jupiter retrograde period is a time that you should dedicate to deepening those inner connections. You have a lot of input and information from the external world. Focus on seeking your answers from within.

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Six of Wands

You’ve been acknowledging and understanding some deep personal truths during the last few months. The Jupiter retrograde period offers you a time you can use to reflect on how your new understanding impacts your experiences. Be proud of what you’ve learned and achieved, There will be those who will want to celebrate with you!

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You’ve learned so much, and there’s very little in the way of fears or negative emotions standing between you and your inner truths and light. You accept the gift that this period of drastic change and rebirth has been. Now’s the time for you to answer the call you’ve been waiting to take. Rising above often means being judged by others – don’t let that stop you.

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Page of Cups

Jupiter is your ruling sign, and its time in Gemini has brought a lot of energy into your relationships. This manifests in a variety of ways – from new alliances to new understanding around your sense of ‘belonging.’ Consider how you can extend the lessons you’ve learned about yourself and how you interact with others. Give space to your inner child by letting yourself acknowledge that you’re allowed to let life feel magical. Open your heart and be guided by compassion and empathy.

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The World

You’ve been going through a lot and have been trying to bear these massive lessons and fast-paced times as well as possible. You’ve completed a big cycle and hit a big milestone – let yourself acknowledge that fully. Don’t let anxieties about what’s next cloud how you process what you’ve created. Answers about where to head will only be able to present themselves once you’re able to fully turn the page to the next chapter.

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Two of Wands, Reversed

You’ve had a lot of time to explore your creativity, and now it’s time to step back. Give yourself the emotional and mental space to unpack what you’ve learned about expressing yourself during this exceptionally creative period.  What kind of plan can you make that centers your reignited creativity? How can you refine your pure energy into creating something special?

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Four of Cups

As you reconnect with yourself and examine the lessons you’ve learned, you find yourself making decisions about what you are going to bring forward into your future with you. With your new newfound, it’s time to review what you’ve learned to see if there is something you didn’t see. You’ve been feeling stagnant, but recognize this feeling as being rooted in dissatisfaction and frustration.  Consider if your feelings are blinding you to opportunities.

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