Zodiac Signs

Your Horoscope For The Week Of October 6-October 12, 2024

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Ethical conflicts give way to powerful convictions this week. On Sunday, a square between distracted Mercury and quarrelsome Mars occurs at 2:37 am, causing you to argue with yourself about whether someone is being manipulative. Clarity will arrive on Tuesday, thanks to a Venus-Mars trine at 6:22 am. People will start treating you with courtesy and respect when you stop looking for their approval.

Later on Tuesday, Mercury trines Jupiter at 8:23 am. At long last, you’ll have reliable information about a potential agreement. This is a good time to sign a contract or form a partnership. Ethical Jupiter goes retrograde at 3:05 am on Wednesday, causing you to examine your moral code and see if your behavior matches your beliefs. Therapeutic Pluto goes direct on Friday, making it easier to recover from betrayals and disappointments.

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Family arguments are draining your energy. Instead of focusing on childish relatives, train your attention on someone who is always in your corner. Money from a legal settlement, inheritance, or prize-winning could allow you to establish your home base. Take this opportunity to build a routine that stimulates your intellect and lets you spend time with inspirational people. Reaching a long-term career goal is cause for celebration; buy yourself a lavish gift.

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An angry confrontation lets you know it’s time to leave a hostile work environment. Your best friend or romantic partner gives you the courage to apply for jobs that seem out of your league. Don’t be surprised when you get a positive response to these applications. You’re much more skilled and talented than you realize. Throwing money at a problem won’t solve it; adopting a prosperity consciousness will.

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Status symbols and displays of wealth don’t signal your worth. Valuing yourself, warts and all, will cause others to recognize your unique contributions. Going after a lucrative job or assignment is worthwhile. It’s so easy to be creative when you’re surrounded by appreciative colleagues and supportive authority figures. Don’t hesitate to venture beyond your comfort zone; exploring new paths will pay off.

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You’re tired of relatives expecting you to bail them out of trouble. It’s time to make a family member take the consequences for their bad behavior. Fortunately, you’ll get much-needed support from a practical neighbor or sibling who has experienced similar problems. A spiritual retreat restores your energy and helps you see the funny side of this situation. Your romantic or business partner is happy to relieve you of exhausting chores; accept their help.

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Unresolved anger about an unfair deal comes to the surface. Don’t get mad; get even. Spending time on domestic pursuits reminds you of your blessings. No matter what your rivals say or do, they lack the beautiful life you’ve created. A generous friend will lift your spirits by asking you to accompany them on a trip. Take this opportunity to explore an area of the world that has always fascinated you.

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A friend may ask you for a loan, but you’re not willing to part with this money. Don’t give any elaborate explanations about why you won’t grant their request. You’re under no obligation to rescue this individual from their own mistakes. Great news about a grant, loan, or scholarship could reach your ears, allowing you to realize a cherished dream. A chance to explore a different career path will give you hope for a happy future.

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An authority figure keeps testing your boundaries and you don’t appreciate it. Fortunately, you will be awarded an extra measure of authority when it becomes obvious you can’t perform miracles. Working remotely will save time, money, and aggravation. Avail yourself of an expert’s help. Not only will this individual make your job easier, but they’ll teach you some valuable skills that allow you to land a better job.

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You’re not sure if you can trust someone who keeps deflecting blame. Start pulling away from this shady character. Spending more time with a no-nonsense friend will give provide a welcome reality check. Money from an inheritance, investment, or dividend lets you fund a relaxing vacation. Head for a beautiful place that sparks your imagination. Don’t be surprised if you’re moved to paint, compose, write, or play music again.

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You could feel a karmic link with someone intelligent, witty, and insightful. Stop dwelling on a bad breakup that caused financial hardship. This union is much different. Instead of playing hot-and-cold, the object of your affection will communicate their needs in an open, honest way that is very refreshing. If you’re already in a relationship, you could join forces with an old business associate.

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You’re not sure whether you should pursue an interesting career opportunity. If someone has burned you in the past, it’s better to hold out for a better offer. Such a deal will arrive when you least expect it, courtesy of a person who shares your values. Don’t feel pressured to hide your beliefs in a public forum. Your principled stance will work in your favor and allow you to step into a prominent role.

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Someone who abandons their principles for the sake of money will lose your respect. It’s important to establish firm boundaries with this individual, even at the risk of appearing cold or unforgiving. A passionate romantic encounter puts you in a much better mood, causing your creative juices to flow a lot more freely. Stop working around the clock and make more time for the people and hobbies you love.

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A childish temper tantrum demonstrates that big changes must be made. Whether this involves altering your schedule, spending more quality time with someone, or instructing a person to become more independent is up to you. A loving encounter makes you realize how long it’s been since you’ve been pampered and cherished. Don’t hesitate to spoil your inner child when it needs attention.

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