Zodiac Signs

How To Uplevel Your Manifestation This Golden Autumn

Do your manifestations need a little something extra? Perhaps you’ve been focusing on the same goal for a while, but nothing is happening. You do your rituals, you put in the work, but you still don’t feel like you’re making progress. You may need the right witchy tool to boost your intentions, and your zodiac sign can help determine the best one. Here’s what you need to supercharge your manifestations, according to astrology.

Aries: Colorful candles

As a fire sign, you have a natural connection with flames, dear Aries. Using candles in your rituals will supercharge your intentions. Choose a candle color that intuitively matches your desire; for example, if it is love you seek, use a pink or red candle. Carve your intention into the side of the candle using words or symbols, then light it while focusing on your goal.

Taurus: Bay leaves

As an earth sign, you have a special bond with plant life, sweet Taurus. Use bay leaves in your manifestation rituals to enhance your intentions. Write your goals on the leaves. Then, you can burn them, take a bath with them, or sleep with the leaves under your pillow to charge your dreams.

Gemini: Smoky quartz

You have plenty of big dreams and lots of energy, dear Gemini, but what you lack is focus. Crystals like smoky quartz, hematite, or black obsidian will help keep you grounded and centered on your goal. Hold one of these dark stones in your hand or keep it in your space while you’re manifesting to give your intentions an extra sprinkle of magic.

Cancer: Selenite wand

Because you love staying close to home, your energy can become stagnant, gentle Cancer. You likely have an altar in your house, whether you realize it or not: a collection of sentimental, witchy things that boost your manifestations. A fireplace mantel full of family photos, a shelf of souvenirs from vacations, or a collection of trinkets can all be considered altars. Your zodiac sign has a special relationship with the moon, and selenite is a cleansing crystal that is connected to the moon’s energy, so it is extra powerful for you. Use a selenite wand to cleanse your home, especially your altar space, to boost your manifestations.

Leo: Sunstone

You’re usually bright, confident, optimistic, bold Leo, but perhaps you’ve been feeling a little dull lately. As the zodiac sign ruled by the sun, sunstone is a very powerful tool for you. Carry sunstone in your pocket or wear it as an amulet to keep your disposition sunny and your confidence shining. Wearing or holding this stone while focusing on your intentions will supercharge your manifestations.

Virgo: Broom

There’s no denying you’re obsessed with cleanliness, dear Virgo, and you love the feeling of a clean house. Buy a new broom, one that feels good in your hands and matches your home’s aesthetic. You can even adorn it with crystals or feathers to make it extra powerful. When you sweep, envision washing away all the blockages to your manifestations. Take extra care to sweep the entry to your home so abundance can come in, and the exit so any obstacles and leave freely.

Libra: Wand

You love an accessory, dear Libra, and what could be a more magical accessory than a wand? Start with your base (like a beautiful stick you find in the woods or a chopstick), then paint and attach crystals to it, wrap colorful yarn around it, or adorn it however you’d like. You can even complete the witchy aesthetic by wearing flowy, dark garments when you do your manifestation rituals. Keep your wand somewhere special and bring it out when you focus on your intentions.

Scorpio: Dagger

You embrace the darkness, mystical Scorpio, so sometimes you use your manifestation powers to seek revenge. That’s why a dagger is the perfect ritual tool for you. You can use it to cut cords, remove negativity, or get even with someone (a voodoo doll might come in handy, too). Select a special blade only to use for ritual magic, and be sure to cleanse it with selenite or clear quartz between uses.

Sagittarius: Feathers

You love being untethered and free as a bird, independent Sagittarius, which is why feathers are powerful manifestation tools for you. Decorate your ritual space with peacock feathers to manifest luck, love, and beauty, or goose feathers for safety and good fortune while traveling. Keep your eye out for signs from the birds, like spotting an owl or finding a beautiful feather in your path, to reinforce that you’re on the right track.

You are motivated by accolades, dear Capricorn, so you need a manifestation tool that looks like a trophy. Select a chalice that you only use for rituals. Drink your first sips of water each morning from the chalice while focusing on your intentions. You can even supercharge your beverage with crystals or herbs to make your magic more powerful.

Aquarius: Incense

You are sensitive to your environment, dear Aquarius, and prefer soft lighting and delicate fragrances. Choose an incense scent that makes you feel grounded, focused, and open to all possibilities. Light it in your ritual space as you meditate on your intentions, or use it to clear negativity. The combination of smoke and a carefully selected scent will supercharge your dreams.

Pisces: Bell

Your creative soul has a special connection to music, sweet Pisces, so it’s no wonder the manifestation tool you need is an instrument. Ring a bell over your pillow to banish negative energy before bed. Focus on having clear, sweet dreams that will help you realize your ambitions.

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