Zodiac Signs

4 Zodiacs Hit By Love-Life Plot Twists During Venus In Scorpio (9/22-10/17)

Venus in Scorpio is here, impacting relationships for a few zodiac signs!

From September 22nd to October 17th, Venus—the planet of love, beauty, and relationships—will be in the intense, fixed sign of Scorpio. This can be a sharp pivot from Venus in Libra, as Scorpio is unafraid to dive into the depths and make dedicated commitments—though this can also lead us to be more possessive. On October 4th, Venus will form a harmonious trine to Saturn in Pisces, which could push us to take our commitments to others more seriously. Additionally, the Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2nd will add some shakeups to our lives, which could bring some imbalance to our relationships. As Venus continues in Scorpio, some relationships may be tested involving commitments and vulnerability, and it’s best to be prepared to make adjustments or be willing to walk away.

While all the zodiac signs will feel Venus’ effects, a few could see more notable relationship shifts. Check the signs below (Sun and Rising!) to see which four zodiac signs will experience intense relationship shifts during Venus in Scorpio.


It’s time to step into your power, Scorpio! As Venus moves through your 1st House of Self and Identity, it’s ideal for you to embrace what makes you feel unique and what you bring into your relationships with others (including yourself). In relationships, it can be easy to fixate on ensuring the other person’s needs are met; you can forget about your own. Venus in Scorpio pushes you to take in and determine what you need in your relationships and have the confidence and trust to ask for it. Additionally, this can be a time to work toward making your connections stronger, especially through quality time spent together. When Venus forms a trine to Saturn on October 4th, a shift involving getting more serious about your commitments could be on the table, so if you’ve been holding back your feelings or keeping parts of you hidden, now is the time to let them come out. Nothing can stay in the shadows forever, and you deserve to be in relationships and friendships that love you for who you are.


Your relationships are in focus, Taurus. As Venus moves through your 7th House of Partnerships, you feel a significant pull to focus on your connections and what they mean to you. This shift can feel intense, especially for someone so accustomed to their independence, but in healthy dynamics, you get back what you’re willing to put in. While the earlier stages of relationships can feel more free and romantic, the ones that last find ways to show care and compassion regularly. You know that work and daily tasks can be a drag for romance or passion, but Venus asks you to be devoted and get creative to keep those sparks alive—the only question is, are you willing to?


It’s time to bring the sparks back, Cancer! As Venus moves through your 5th House of Creativity and Pleasure, you’re working on being in the moment rather than focusing on the past or the future. You are often a caretaker, and you love being there for the people you love, but the monotony of domestic life can get to anybody, and lately, you’ve been focused more on your home and keeping things in order. The pressure can be intense, but Venus is guiding you toward being more playful and curious, especially about your wants, needs, and desires. Sharing new ideas with your partner and leaning into romantic endeavors could be exactly what your relationship needs. For those who are single, this could be an ideal time to put yourself out there, though remember that Scorpio’s intense energy can make things feel like they are fast-tracking, so be mindful of what you’re looking for.


It’s worth taking the next step in your relationship, Aries. Or, at least, you should figure out if you want to do that. As Venus moves through your 8th House of Intimacy and Shared Resources, the focus on where your relationships are going is dialed up and deserves your attention. You may feel drawn to deepen your connections, taking things to a new level. Wanting to feel connected to your partner or spouse may feel more of a priority. Showing a more vulnerable side of yourself may be a catalyst for your relationship, but ensure that the other person is on the same page. Not everything has to be serious, but bearing your soul is no small thing, so use this period to figure out whether this relationship will last.

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