Zodiac Signs

Here Are Your Do’s and Don’ts For The 2025 Eclipse Season

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Eclipse season is an ominous time. We must surrender to the divine timing of Fate. Our willpower has a limited effect. The idea of letting go of control can strike fear and complex feelings. Picture us, white-knuckled and clinging to outdated situations for a false sense of comfort. Welcome this time of uncertainty, conjuring up unexpected twists and turns. While this may sound heavy and can bring up gnarly emotions, a deeper purpose is at play.

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Eclipse season puts us back on track toward our true path. We wouldn’t ask for nor want these transitions we are presented with. However, these plot twists in our story are beneficial. They are of pure intent. We may not realize the blessings in disguise. We cannot see beyond our limited perspective. In due time, we look back and see all of the growth this time has brought us. Gratitude follows this pivotal chapter.

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Spring 2025 Eclipse Season Key Dates

March 25, 2025 – Libra Lunar Eclipse, conjunct the Libra South Node

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Go ahead, rip the bandaid off, and close out karmic endings. How we relate to others has been draining us in one way or another. Now is the divine time to make necessary, bittersweet changes. We crave more maturity in our relationships. No more self-sacrifice to benefit others!

March 26, 2025 – April 7, 2025

We’re still in the midst of the eclipse season, waiting for the next “hit”.

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April 8, 2025 – Aries Solar Eclipse conjunct the Aries North Node

With this hit, an urgency swells up to seek karmic new beginnings. Our identity, self-image, and appearance hit refresh. We feel more confident, self-assured, and capable. Great things await if we allow ourselves to step out of our comfort zone. It’s time to shine and stop downplaying our leadership skills!

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April 9, 2025 – Apr 22, 2025

Hang tight! We are still in Eclipse season.

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April 23, 2025 – Scorpio Full Moon

The Scorpio Full Moon hits, finally marking the end of this era. We’re in the clear! Just remember, the impacts of the eclipse season can take about six months to infuse into our lives.

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Do’s and Don’ts of Eclipse Season

Do meditate, journal, and embrace emotional transitions. Allow yourself to process what has happened and what you hope for in the future. Use this time to reset your spirit and refocus your mind. Keeping your eye on the prize matters now more than ever before

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Don’t force anything that is not happening naturally. Allow events to play out on their course. What will be, will be. If indecisive or unsure about a situation, the goal is to pause until you feel an instinctual, intuitive urge to act. Or, in being passive, Life will bring you answers in due time. But no good will come from force, as Fate is pulling strings in your favor.

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Do be patient. While we will feel restless to find answers, seek closure, or gain clarity, we must accept these mysterious transitions. If we surrender to the Universe, we make this a much easier process. When we resist, not only do we waste our energy, we may sabotage our growth.

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Don’t manifest! Manifesting, or calling in your desires, with rituals or magic is not recommended. Eclipse season carries unpredictable energy. Therefore, rituals will yield chaotic results. What you wish to create may backfire. Take this time to imagine or prepare for future manifestations. Plan now. Act later

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