Zodiac Signs

A Tarot Reader Predicts What Every Zodiac Can Expect From Love In 2025

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Your card: Page of Wands

If you’ve been in a rut regarding love, go into 2025 ready to try new ways to find your soulmate. Don’t keep trying the apps if they haven’t worked. Go outside the box and you might end up finding the perfect person for you.

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Your card: 10 of Cups

For 2025, you’re focusing more on yourself than on finding a partner. When you finally inch closer to complete inner happiness, love will find you–and it’ll be a fantastic kind of love.

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Your card: 4 of Wands

2025 will be a celebratory year for you. Throw parties, congratulate your friends, and just have fun. You might even live the cliché that says love will find you when you stop looking for it.

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Your card: Queen of Pentacles

When it comes to love in 2025, you’ll be the nurturing presence in your relationships. While you might prefer to be the one getting taken care of, you’ll have that role this year. Whoever gets to date you will feel comforted and loved in the relationship.

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Your card: 3 of Cups

There’s strong friendship energy for you when it comes to love in 2025. Maybe a friend will set you up with someone, or you might even fall in love with a friend or friend with benefits. The best relationships are formed on a foundation of friendship, so you’re on the right track.

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Your card: 2 of Cups

Most relationships feel imbalanced in some way, but in 2025 you’ll finally fall for someone who feels the same as you do. That mutual love and fully balanced relationship is special and rare. Nurture it so that it can last a lifetime.

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Your card: 6 of Swords

Something big is changing when it comes to love in 2025. However you’re entering the year, whether single or in a relationship, don’t expect things to stay exactly as they are through 2025. Get ready for a massive transitional shift.

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Your card: King of Wands

Let your natural charisma do the talking in 2025. The right person will see who you are and be attracted to exactly what you have to offer. Your charisma will be so strong, that people might just flock to you, so you won’t have to put in work to find someone.

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Your card: 3 of Pentacles

Love will find you at work in 2025. While it might be inconvenient to fall in love with a coworker or customer, sometimes love just finds you whether you like it or not.

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Your card: Ace of Cups

Regardless of your relationship status coming into 2025, this card insists you’ll find new love this year. A new relationship will grow, filled with love and compassion. If you’re already fully committed to someone, this card could indicate a new, rich friendship instead.

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Your card: The Hermit

Your love life in 2025 will be marked by solitude. Sometimes it’s just better to be alone for a while, whether to heal old wounds or to get to know yourself again after a long relationship has ended. Use this time to focus on yourself and what you need to grow.

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Your card: 10 of Wands

2025 will be a struggle when it comes to love. You might find yourself giving too much of yourself just to make a relationship work. Remember that a true partnership has g toive and take. If you’re doing all the giving and they’re only taking, that’s a red flag.

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