Zodiac Signs

4 Zodiacs Who Are Walking Karma For Narcissists

Certain zodiac signs are naturally walking, living, breathing karma for narcissistic and toxic people. Here are the four signs that can easily give a narcissist a run for their money and make them afraid to ever try them again.


You make lambs look like lions, Libra, and it’s because you’re not afraid of boldly setting your boundaries and holding your own to balance the scales in every situation. Boundaries are kryptonite to a narcissist seeking to control you and enforcing them is where your real power lies. People underestimate you because they often witness you approaching most situations with the utmost grace, decorum, diplomacy, and humility. They assume that if they do you dirty, they’ll walk away unscathed and without consequences due to your normally easygoing nature. But they forget that part of your birthright and destiny in this life is establishing fairness in every situation and you’re not afraid to get your hands occasionally dirty to achieve that equilibrium.

As the harbinger of justice, you bring it in at full throttle when the situation requires some “rebalancing,” and you’re a master of strategically turning the tables on any narcissist who has ever tried you. Turn the other cheek? I think not. You’ll be presenting them with healthy consequences at every turn to teach them not to target innocent people again, thank you very much. Everyone has their limits and when it comes to karma, you are limitless. You teach by example that you won’t succumb to manipulation or emotional blackmail that easily and firmly fight back against injustice. At the same time, you also mirror back someone’s jovial and generous energy – the side people get to experience simply depends on how they choose to treat you.


Sagittarius, you are living, breathing, walking karma — an emotional karmic boomerang not just for narcissists or toxic people but also for anyone you meet! When someone treats you exceptionally well, you become their lucky charm and return their positive energy, magnify their wins, and bless them with good karma. Since you are ruled by the fortunate and magnificent Jupiter, everything you touch turns to gold and expands into abundance, including the lives of the people who treat you well. As a result, when a narcissist swoops in with their love bombing and charm, showering you with the attention and affection you always deserved to experience, they may flourish at first when touched by your blessed energy. But eventually, the tides turn and their mask drops, revealing their true callous character and lack of empathy. When narcissists start to mishandle you, their luck naturally shrivels, their lives head into a disastrous freefall and their protection is no more, and rightfully so. People don’t realize until they feel the full force of your absence that you were the one bringing good luck and protection into their lives all along — you were the source of abundance and the gift they should have appreciated, cherished, and honored while they still had you.

You teach your opponents never to mess with you a second time around and give them a taste of their own medicine they’ll never forget, often waiting for the perfect moment to strike. You’re known for your elephant-like memory which allows you to keep inventory and score of any time you’ve been wronged – when they least expect it, any toxic person who’s ever harmed you will be begging you for mercy – whether they get a simple warning or a more ruthless lesson on human decency is all up to them. At the same time, you’re the embodiment of “success is the best revenge,” and your abundance and success skyrocket when you turn your energy away from narcissistic people channel your natural fiery energy toward yourself, and use it as fuel for your goals. You also tend to be the ex who has the biggest glow-up, the one who ends up with the dream revenge body and dream life, and the one the narcissist sees as the “one who got away.” Talk about the kind of karma that lasts a lifetime!


With Saturn as your ruler, you are walking karma for everyone but especially for narcissistic people, Capricorn. Your natural business acumen often extends to your dating life and allows you to spot stealthy manipulators who aren’t playing fair right away and spot a wolf in sheep’s clothing from a mile away with discernment and ease. You don’t fall for a narcissist’s cheap love bombing because you are always observing their behaviors and actions, not their words. You conduct a cost-benefit analysis that most people wouldn’t when encountering narcissists and otherwise toxic people. You ask yourself how a narcissist may benefit you, and what costs they bring to your life, and you always negotiate a better deal when necessary. You only entertain them when it has a positive impact on your life. Then, you cut them off at lightning speed when they are no longer serving your needs or seek to demean you. This shocks the narcissistic person, who is always the one devaluing and discarding their partners first and often has the upper hand. But you work with a swift indifference and match energy when necessary. Plus, Saturn-ruled signs such as yourself always get a helping hand from the Universe to show the narcissist who’s boss.


Scorpio, your life destiny is all about your transformative power. You have the unique ability to transform every room you walk into and change the trajectory of people’s lives. Narcissists and toxic people who aggressively prey on the unsuspecting and innocent are no different. With your deep penetrating gaze and your ability to see beyond the facades and masks people wear, you are walking karma for any narcissist who fears exposure and accountability. You stop their love bombing in their tracks, ensuring they have no access to who you are or your desire to weaponize against you or lure you into a web. You may play dumb, but behind the scenes, you’re the one gaining leverage and control. You collect information about the narcissist most people would never know and track their actions at every stage of your interactions with them.

If they dare to try you or harm the ones you love, you will bring karma at finl force, unmasking wolves in sheep’s clothing so the most vulnerable and innocent people in this world can be protected from their malicious motives. You often develop friendships with their victims or at the very least support them by defending them and standing up for them against the toxic person’s bullying behaviors. If the toxic person is an individual who’s willing to take accountability and make long-term changes to their behavior (quite rare), you might let them off with a warning and a healthy consequence or two. If they continue to persist in their destructive pattern of behavior, all bets are off, and no one can say you didn’t warn them

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