Zodiac Signs

A Tarot Reader Predicts What Each Zodiac Sign Can Expect During 2024’s Virgo Season

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Your Card: Queen of Swords, reversed

The Queen of Swords encourages you not to isolate yourself from others during these next few weeks. You’re going to feel like you’re carrying the whole world on your shoulders, but you don’t have to go at it alone. Don’t succumb to your desire for solitude, and instead let people in. The sun’s in your health and wellness sector. Taking care of your emotional well-being includes connecting with others, nurturing your most meaningful relationships, and embracing vulnerability. Remember not to be overly critical of yourself as you strive to live a more balanced and healthy life. Remain wary, because this card also serves as a warning that there’s someone in your life who has malicious intent. Take a hard look at your relationships—someone may not have your best interests at heart.

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Your Card: The Star

The sun beams into your fifth house of passion, self-expression, romance, playfulness, and creativity. Allow yourself to be overcome with hope and inspiration, Taurus. This Virgo season is all about inviting magic into your life and putting your talents on full display. You can rise and shimmer like the star you are if you place faith in your abilities and take risks. Remain open to opportunities that come your way. Don’t fear the worst that could happen. Let yourself be bold. This next month can lead you down a more aligned, illuminated path. All you have to do is trust in your intuition and put yourself out there. If you’ve had love on your mind, now’s the time to pursue your crush and make your desires known. Flirt away, Taurus.

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Your Card: King of Cups, reversed

It’s time to “clean house,” especially with the sun illuminating your domestic fourth house of home, roots, and family. You might experience emotional turmoil, leaving you moody and unpredictable. You must try your best to remain centered. Don’t let the intensity of your feelings drive you to act impulsively. Instead, process them by doing some serious introspection and getting to the root of them. What wounds from your past do you have yet to confront and heal? Remember to respond and not react during this time. The reversal of the King of Cups also encourages you to cultivate a healthy environment. Set clear boundaries. Keep an eye out for your relationships. Take note of those whose words don’t align with their actions. Sever ties that are toxic and that are no longer conducive to your growth.

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Your Card: Temperance

This card urges you to slow down, check in with yourself, and reconnect with your foundation. Virgo season is a time to invite more moderation and balance into your life—two things that are crucial when it comes to achieving long-term success. Use these next few weeks to take notice of the areas in your life that feel a bit extreme. Do you place too much focus on certain aspects to the detriment of others? Are there any situations or relationships in your life that make you feel uncomfortable or unlike yourself? Is the path you’re currently on one that’s aligned with your values and desires? Where could you be practicing more patience? Could you be taking a different approach? Grounding is key this next month. With the sun electrifying your communication zone, it’ll especially benefit you in your connections, finding balance in your relationships, expressing your ideas, and articulating your feelings.

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Your Card: Ten of Swords

Sorry, but this Virgo season may be a bit of a rough one, Leo. The Ten of Swords indicates a loss, failure, betrayal, or disappointment—one of immense magnitude. Instead of seeing it as the end of the world, you should view the situation as a wake-up call. Reframe it as a lesson and an opportunity for growth. What destructive patterns led you here? What habits are no longer working for you? What changes do you need to make in your life to set you up for success and evolvement? It’s going to be uncomfortable, but it’s time to face reality and have certain breakthroughs. This difficult period can set you on a path toward new beginnings. Don’t lose hope, no matter how dark it may get. Have faith in yourself.

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Your Card: The Empress

The sun is in your sign, Virgo. This next month is for personal reinvention. It’s also a good time for finding your voice, practicing more authenticity, and unapologetically living life as you please. The Empress wants you to have a softer, more romantic existence. She reminds you of the importance of living out your dreams. Start making decisions that center your happiness and pleasure. This Virgo season you should chase every single one of your desires. Prioritize yourself for once, Virgo. Spend some time setting or redefining your goals. Brainstorm ways to celebrate and honor your individuality. Liberate yourself from fear. Get rid of all the dead weight in your life.

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Your Card: Five of Pentacles, reversed

With the appearance of the reversed Five of Pentacles and the sun in your twelfth house, you can expect to embark on a new beginning this Virgo season, but remember that rest and rejuvenation are of utter importance. You’re going to be deeply introspective these next few weeks, and it’s going to propel you to seek spiritual closure where you’ve needed it. This card is indicative of renewal and a regained sense of hope. Use this time to focus on healing any wounds your heart still carries. Remove negative influences from your life. As you practice self-reflection, think about all that you’ve outgrown. Take note of what leaves feeling drained and leave it behind. Remove toxic patterns. Declutter your life. Leave the past where it belongs. Pay close attention to your dreams, which may be shining a light on your desires and fears.

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Your Card: Eight of Swords, reversed

Get ready to break free from all the self-limiting beliefs and self-defeating patterns that have kept you from making progress. These next few weeks are going to see you confidently embrace a more empowered version of yourself. During Virgo season, you’re going to be bulldozing over all the barriers that you’ve created for yourself. There’s a shift in mindset that you’re going to experience that’s going to inspire you to start making some major moves. Finally, you’re remembering that everything you’ve always needed is found within you. You have all the power it takes to create the life of your dreams. This renewed sense of clarity is going to help you take back control of your own life.

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Your Card: Two of Pentacles

Try your best to remain flexible during this Virgo season and adapt to necessary changes with grace. The Two of Pentacles shows up to inspire you to cultivate more harmony and balance in your life. This means slowing down to reflect on where you should be pouring more of your energy and where you should be placing less. What’s truly meaningful to you? What things need to take a backseat so that you can focus on what you find fulfilling? What areas in your life leave you feeling drained or overwhelmed? How could you better manage your stress and take care of your mental health? Make more time for what brings you joy and pleasure. Let yourself chase what lights you up. Learn to rest and recharge. Prioritize connections that uplift you.

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Your Card: King of Wands

This Virgo season, you need to have a clear purpose in mind. Stop denying yourself your desires and chase after them. Confidently assert yourself and express yourself freely. The King of Wands is fearless, decisive, energetic, and a natural-born leader. Embody his energy. Push yourself to be more bold this next month, and not just when it comes to your goals and aspirations. The sun shines in your expansive ninth house of adventure and worldview, daring you to step outside of your comfort zone. Invite new experiences and connections into your life. Try something you’ve never done before. Learn something new. Refine your skills. If there’s an idea you want to pitch, stop sitting on it. If there’s something you want to say, be direct. If there’s someone who you can’t get off your mind, tell them.

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Your Card: Eight of Cups, reversed

Virgo season is going to be a transformative time for you with your powerful eighth house of death and rebirth being activated. The reversed Eight of Cups also denotes a profound shift. Buckle up, you’re going to be diving deep within your soul, where you’ll find yourself confronted with your innermost feelings. During these next few weeks, you’ll process deep, repressed emotions. It’s all part of the process of your metamorphosis. Stay gentle with yourself as you uncover hidden truths and secret desires. Embrace them. Choose a path that brings you a genuine sense of fulfillment, Aquarius. It’s time to let go of the past, of what’s no longer in alignment with you, of what’s no longer working or helping you grow.

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Your Card: Page of Cups

Say yes to everything and anything this Virgo season! The Page of Cups shows up when you need to embrace wonder again and reconnect with your inner child. Allow yourself to be playful and become inspired by your surroundings. This card calls on you to release old beliefs, so that you may be open to forming new ideas and perspectives. What you need to do these next few weeks is be led by your curiosity. Do some exploring. Have some fun. Be creative. Express yourself. Embrace vulnerability. Whatever you do, don’t be afraid. Indulge in all the magic life has to offer. Trust that your instincts won’t lead you astray.

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