Zodiac Signs

4 Zodiacs Who Need To Learn To Live In The Present


Scorpio’s reputation for revenge is exaggerated at best, but the threads of truth from which it was first woven are based on their overwhelming desire to prove people wrong. They are haunted by past experiences, embarrassments, tense exchanges, losses, and heartbreaks, and the one thought that carries them through the pain is always to hope that one day, they will get the last laugh, the last word, the authority, and power to define what happened, to who, and how. This mantra has positive potential. The idea that stumbling is never the end of a story, only a plot device. In other ways, Scorpio needs to shift their approach from trying to control the world around them, to finding peace in their narrative. To write it solely for themselves, not so everyone will read it.


Virgo needs a little spontaneity in their lives. A peace of mind that lets them react to their needs and wants at any given moment. Most of their waking hours are dictated by a larger goal that requires a series of tasks to be completed in a precise and timely manner. There is always a larger project looming that demands constant attention, care, and dedication. There’s no time to stop for a snack or a coffee, to squeeze in a nap, or to relax with a good book. Virgo desperately needs to adapt their project management skills to bake in breaks to their timeline. If Virgo is going to be their boss, they need to give themselves time off as well. Who knows what inspiration Virgo will find when they take the time to engage with their surroundings?


Libra is always worried about the consequences of their actions. If I eat this donut, will I crash in a few hours? If I say what I think, will I hurt someone’s feelings? If I don’t do my laundry now, will I have nothing to wear next Wednesday? It’s exhausting and not sustainable, to think this much before doing anything. The analysis paralysis alone drains Libra’s battery faster than any of the tasks themselves. They just need to learn to breathe and trust in their gut. They can live a life whose main goal is not to avoid as many problems as possible. They don’t need to always feel good, to manage everyone else’s emotions, to always have every chore done. They can live life one day at a time, without trying to get a proverbial gold star for perfection. They can get sweaty and messy and dirty and still shine the brightest.


Aquarius has an achievement complex. They are constantly worried they haven’t done enough, and overwhelmed by the to-do lists and standards they have created for themselves. They are worrying about how they will become president while stressing over their first high school job. It’s too much for anyone to handle. They need to learn how to enjoy the stage of life they’re currently in, their current wins, each hill they climb, and the view offered at that particular summit. If they are always putting themselves down and lusting after what’s furthest away, they’ll never be satisfied, even when they do reach those loftier goals. They need to remember that some of the best days of their life were ones where nothing was accomplished at all, except having fun and being close to loved ones. They need to apply those past learnings to the present.

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