Zodiac Signs

How Each Zodiac Can Let Go Of Fear, According To A Tarot Reader

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Your Card: Page of Cups

The Page of Cups feels everything fully and deeply. They use their sense of wonder as a lens through which to experience the world. The best way for you to let go of fear, Aries, is to allow yourself that sense of wonder, and to experience the world with a beginner’s mind – and more importantly a beginner’s heart. Trust your instincts, and your feelings as you learn to let go of the fear that is holding you back. Embrace your emotive side. Now is a good time to lean into mindfulness meditation, free drawing, and other activities that allow you to stay present and grounded while getting in tune with your emotions

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Your Card: Death

Cycles end, and the end of a cycle is here, Taurus. Change can be scary, but it is also inevitable. Without change, you’ll become stuck. To let go of your fear, allow yourself some space to process the end of this cycle – embrace the coming change by acknowledging all that you’ve learned. It’s time to carry those lessons forward. Letting go of fear is easier when you feel empowered by the knowledge you’ve gained during your journey. Now is a good time to engage in decluttering your space – physically as well as mentally. Physically letting go of things that no longer serve you is a good way to connect your physical needs with your emotional world. The physical manifestation of letting go will aid you in the work to come.

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Your Card: 5 of Cups

It’s really hard to let go of comfortable illusions, but it’s an important step towards growth, Gemini. Holding on to the past, no matter how comfortable, will not allow you to move forward as freely as you deserve. Acceptance of the loss, and allowing yourself to process the grief you feel for the future you thought you’d have is key to being able to move on. Moving forward will take a focused effort to retrain yourself not to linger on the loss, but instead center the positive aspects of your life that remain. Shifting your perspective and acknowledging and allowing yourself space for grief for ‘what could have been’ will ultimately help you let go of your fear.

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Your Card: King of Pentacles

Be confident in your ability to shape your material world because your patience and determination will see you through. One of the best ways to deal with fear is by building a solid foundation. Grounded, practical solutions will help you feel more in control and will ultimately build stability, so focus your efforts on that, Cancer. Recognize your achievements and acknowledge your strengths. Build and foster habits that enhance your skills. Now might also be a good time to seek the counsel of a mentor or even a financial advisor. Once you feel more secure and safe, you’ll find it easier to let go of fear. Allow yourself to recognize that you have all of the resources and skills you need to make this happen for yourself and that you deserve it.

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Your Card: 8 of Pentacles, Reversed

The 8 of Pentacles is a card about skill and slowly working towards perfection in it – reversed it indicates that there might be energy blocking it or trouble with that approach. It could be due to a lack of focus, or motivation, or It’s indicating the classic ‘don’t allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good’ vibe. Trust in your skills, Leo, and embrace the process – no matter how imperfect that process may feel right. Kintsugi pottery is the practice of taking broken pottery and filling the gaps with gold – and the product is staggeringly beautiful. Don’t allow your perfectionism to derail your overall efforts.  Refocus your efforts on what matters to you – let go of your fears of imperfections and trust your process and capabilities and you will fearlessly build something wonderful.

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Your Card: Ace of Pentacles

There’s so much potential out there, and you have just begun to plant the seeds of your success, Virgo. Engaging in activities that move towards prosperity allows you to also move away from fear. The Ace of Pentacles is a sign that you have all the resources and capabilities necessary to succeed. Ground yourself with the fact you have enough, and are enough, to make something special happen. Don’t allow fear to cloud your vision. Some mindful meditation, especially in nature, may help give you the grounding you need to let go of fear. A walking meditation or one that is focused on the breath might remind you of the power you hold within. Trust in yourself, your resources, and your practical nature to see you through.

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Your Card: 8 of Swords, Reversed

It’s easy to get stuck in a doom loop, and you’ve felt stuck in one for a while. The world is overwhelming, and it’s easy to feel powerless and restricted. By creating self-imposed limitations, it creates more fear – and the more fear, the more limitations can spring from avoiding it. The 8 of Swords speaks to the need for a radical shift in perspective, Libra. Try journaling about your fears to see them on paper where you can more easily evaluate them for their validity.  If you do yoga, try some inversions to change your perspective. Begin by taking small, radical steps to challenge your fears about your situation. Evaluate your fears to see if they serve to keep you safe or only to limit your horizons

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Your Card: The Chariot

Action is the way forward for you, your determination and focus will see you through. Harnessing your power will help you to feel more in control of your life, Scorpio. While fear is a healthy reaction to danger, fear unchecked is imbalanced and can quickly take control. Set clear goals for yourself, and maintain your focus on your direction towards them. You’ll be less likely to be distracted by fears and doubts if you can keep checking things off your to-do list. Use visualization techniques and meditations to imagine the process of achieving your goals and harness your willpower. Your victory is about your strength and your mindset – and if you can maintain forward progress, you’ll be sure to triumph.

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Your Card: 6 of Pentacles, Reversed

The six pentacles speak to the balance between generosity and need, and when reversed it indicates that there’s a feeling of imbalance there.  It indicates that you feel like you give a lot, and aren’t getting enough in return, or that you are feeling over-dependent – and neither feels good to you, Sagittarius. Ever the truth seeker,  your best bet is to examine your relationships and interactions and determine if there’s an imbalance there – and which way it is going.  Once you give them an honest evaluation, you’ll have a better idea of where things need to be rebalanced. Learn to say no when necessary, and also make sure to carefully consider each ‘yes’ you give. Once the balance is achieved, the fear will be sure to subside.

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Your Card: The Lovers

Not only is The Lovers card about relationships and harmony within them, but it’s also about the choices we make to get there. To let go of fear will require you to make sure that you align your decisions with your values, and give yourself room and space to embrace love and connection. Find inner peace by making choices that speak to your authentic self, Capricorn. Don’t just center choices, though, and remember that relationships are important. By being vulnerable and allowing yourself to be closer to those who love you you’ll feel a growing fearlessness. Trust in the love and support of those around you. Allow radical self-acceptance to flow into the decisions you make, and fear will dissipate.

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Your Card: Ace of Swords, Reversed

Analysis paralysis is difficult to navigate through, and sometimes the best way to navigate those feelings is to walk away for a bit and clear your head, Aquarius. The confusion that happens from too much information (or misinformation) creates mental blockages and makes it easier to embrace the security fear claims to give than to move towards something that feels uncertain. It’s a good time to seek advice, reframe your situation, or gather more information. It might be time to face uncomfortable truths so that you can make informed decisions on the best path forward. It is a good moment to communicate your feelings to a friend or trusted advisor who can help you reframe the situation and see it with more clarity. Mental clarity will help foster your fearlessness!

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Your Card: 4 of Swords

Pisces, you need a good rest so that you can recuperate and integrate everything you’ve learned. The sort of insight you need to gain to let go of fear is only found on the other side of the introspection and reflection that times of rest allow.  Take a step back and understand the impact fear has had on your decisions, and give yourself a vacation from your problems. Create space for a break for yourself. Engage in activities that allow you to relax and heal – like long walks in nature, journaling, or mantra-based meditation. Once you give yourself some space, it will be easier to see what triggers your fears.

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