Zodiac Signs

4 Zodiacs Who Should Limit Their Caffeine Intake

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A good cup of coffee is hard to resist. Unfortunately, not all signs are destined to become a barista. Here are four signs that should consider reigning in their caffeine intake.

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Aries, you’re a total powerhouse—but we need to have a serious conversation about your daily cup of coffee. For you, caffeine is making you more impatient instead of giving you extra energy. Let’s be clear, Aries, you have a natural ability to work at lightening speed; caffeine intensifies that in a way that could cause you to feel frustrated, unfocused, and scattered. Maybe it’s time to pump the brakes before you speed straight past the things that need careful attention and time.

One reason you might be unwilling to get rid of your regular coffee is that it’s a ritual typically associated with productivity. Drinking coffee in the morning signals the official start to your day; it’s probably something you drink right before work (and maybe even to power through the afternoon, too). Dropping your caffeine intake isn’t just about letting go of the energy boost caffeine can bring you; it also means getting rid of __. To counter this, you’ll need to replace your caffeine fix with something else; an extra snack, morning yoga, homemade breakfast…or a different drink.

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Your new drink of choice: Aries, you’re the sign that’s likely to be most attached to your daily brew. Try swapping your regular coffee for a decaf one; it’s closest in flavor and will even give you a little placebo energy boost.

Where to hang out instead of the coffee shop: The gym. A fitness class is just the right amount of social time, productivity, and inspiration for you to kick your caffeine habit. Not interested in a quick workout? A sauna or pool might be more your style.


You’re a total social butterfly; for you, coffee might not just be about the drink itself, but also about the coffee culture that comes alongside it. The problem here is that your high-energy personality combined with excessive caffeine can lead to overstimulation. This throws you into overdrive, causing you to lose focus and scatter your thoughts in a million different directions.

It’s also worth noting that your sign is often linked with anxiety. The adrenaline rush that comes with caffeine can sometimes kick off an anxious feeling. While it might seem like a good idea to fuel your dynamic nature with an espresso (or three), you might want to rethink this strategy, Gemini. Rather than stoking the anxiety flames with a double shot, why not try something a bit gentler?

Your new drink of choice: Ginger tea. This spicy, strong-smelling drink is a natural stress reliever (and is also just plain delicious).

Where to hang out instead of the coffee shop: Your neighborhood bakery. It’s the perfect place to meet friends, have sit-down conversations, and connect with others in your community.

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Virgo, your meticulous personality is one of your greatest strengths. Still, your perfectionism might be amplified to an unproductive level with excess caffeine intake. You’re likely to become too engrossed in minor details, and your ability to see the big picture will be hindered. Caffeine can help you focus, Virgo, but it’ll probably cause you to focus on the wrong things.

Also, Virgo, caffeine tips you from being a workaholic to burning out. The productivity boost may not seem like a bad thing, but working with zero breaks isn’t exactly healthy. You’re definitely someone who never wants to stop working unless they have to, but caffeine crashes aren’t exactly the relaxing recovery you should be introducing to your daily schedule.

Your new drink of choice: A light and refreshing green tea. It provides a gentle energy boost and is associated with productivity.

Where to hang out instead of the coffee shop: Hit the park or beach closest to you. You’re a sign that benefits from being in nature; it helps you focus, relax, and re-organize yourself for your busy lifestyle.

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Scorpio, you win the award for the most intense sign in the zodiac. You’re focused and passionate about your work and hobbies. You can easily work later than anyone else at the office, and that’s before the caffeine hits. When you add coffee to the mix, you might find yourself feeling tuned into absolutely everything, causing you to become overwhelmed. You might focus too closely on certain minor tasks or details, or find yourself ruminating and overthinking.

Speaking of overthinking, Scorpio, you’re likely to read too much into things once you’ve had your daily dose of caffeine. You might find yourself misinterpreting the things other people say, replaying conversations in your head because you think you did something wrong, and feeling like your attempts to communicate aren’t translating very well. The good news? You’re the sign on this list that’s most likely to find success with lowering your caffeine level instead of going total turkey. Still, it never hurts to try replacing your daily coffee entirely.

Your new drink of choice: Gourmet hot chocolate. You can have fun finding your favorite flavor profiles while still enjoying a drink that suits your personality.

Where to hang out instead of the coffee shop: Get some work done at your local library or bookstore. It’s quiet, cozy, and a great place to get lost in your thoughts or collaborate with others. Plus, you can pick up some good reading material while you’re there.

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