Zodiac Signs

Tarotscope For Today: Tuesday, March 5, 2024,

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Your card: Knight of Cups

Follow your heart today. Deep down, you know exactly what you want–or don’t–and your task is to dig down to find the answer. There might be personal anxieties or people with ulterior motives in your life that are making it harder to listen how you really feel, but you’ll be so much better off if you ignore those distractions.

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Your card: The World

You’ve accomplished something recently, large or small, and it shouldn’t go by unnoticed. Today is your day to make a big deal of it. Tell all your friends. Post an update on social media even if you don’t have much of an online presence. Grab a drink and raise it high for the cool thing that you did. You deserve it.

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Your card: 10 of Cups

Let the inner happiness that you woke up with this morning carry you through the rest of the day. Or maybe things started out iffy, but you have a slew of things you can do to cheer yourself up. It’s important that you lean into positivity today and focus on all the good around you.

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Your card: The Chariot

You’re in the driver’s seat today. Don’t let your belief in fate keep you thinking that you don’t have control over what happens day-to-day. You’re powerful and amazing and you can make anything happen if you just set your mind to it. What cool thing will you make happen today? That’s for you to decide.

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Your card: Queen of Pentacles

You can help people while being practical, too. Maybe someone will ask for help today and you won’t know quite what to do. Rather than floundering, unsure of how to help, provide something concrete. Make them food, donate money to a GoFundMe, take your friend out for drinks and listen to them vent.

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Your card: 9 of Swords

Feel a dark mood today? Anxiety and worry seem to have a hold on you, and you’re failing at shaking it off entirely. Sometimes it’s better to just accept that you’re feeling bad. Wallow a little, but promise that when you wake up tomorrow, it’ll be a new day. You can start fresh after a good night’s sleep.

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Your card: 2 of Swords

Hiding from a tough decision won’t make it go away. Your problems will be ever-present today just as much as they always are. You know what you could do to make it better? Make the decision that you’ve been avoiding. It may be difficult, but you’ll get to breathe a sigh of relief when it’s over.

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Your card: King of Pentacles

It’s Tuesday–you might as well make some boss moves today. This card is encouraging you to show off those natural leadership skills you normally have lying dormant. Maybe if you’re enough of a boss today you might get that promotion or raise you’ve been angling for.

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Your card: Knight of Pentacles

You hate routine. It sounds boring. Why do the same thing every day when you could be doing something fun? Unfortunately sometimes you just have to deal with the grind in order to get more of what you want. Today, keep that productivity going. Working toward a fun goal can make it a lot easier.

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Your card: 6 of Swords

You’re in a transitionary period right now. While change can sometimes be scary, that’s not really the energy you have at the moment. Today, you feel like a weight is being lifted. That release and recovery that comes from change is like the kick-start you need to usher in your next life chapter.

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Your card: 6 of Pentacles

All that hard work you’ve been getting done lately? People are starting to notice today. Hopefully you like the attention of public recognition, because it’s coming your way regardless. And if people aren’t noticing the cool stuff you’re doing, this is the day to call attention to it.

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Your card: Judgement

This is your time to reinvent yourself. You’re no stranger to changing yourself, naturally, to become a cool new version of yourself. This rebirth starts again today. Lean toward a new you that fits better with how you’ve been feeling lately so you can become your most authentic self.

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