Zodiac Signs

The 7 zodiac signs that can be ice cold and never come out of cover

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We all have a cold side, especially when someone really makes us angry: we say what we have to say, then switch off and show the cold shoulder to the person if their offense against us was bad enough.

But these 7 signs are the coldest of them all: if they have enough, they have enough and will not even bother to tell you how they think about you. In that sense, they’re a little narcissistic; they are always on guard and keep everything to themselves.

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You have to prove your worth to the bull; he will shut you up until he is convinced that it is worth knowing you. Bulls like to watch people and until you can’t offer them stability and respect, they’ll keep you at arm’s length.

They don’t miss anything, but they don’t say anything that can be unsettling to some people and give them the impression that bulls are cold – and they would be right.

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Lions let you in, but only up to a point; A sign hovers above her head with the inscription: “You can look but not touch”. With a lion you will never see its real self until it fully accepts you, which will not be easy.

You have to prove that you are worthy of being called a friend and before they don’t know you well, you’ll be treated with suspicion.

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Virgins trim you down with their words and then don’t waste any more thought about you. If you are not good enough in their eyes, there is not much you can do to change that once they have formed their minds.

They keep their emotions locked up and it is not difficult for them to see through other people at all. Annoy them and they will tear you up in the air because they want to let you know that you are now on their hit list.

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Scorpions are hostile at their best moments. They only open up to other people when it suits them. If they do, you are in false security; they are born manipulators and know when to stab with their venomous sting.

They are happy to elicit your secrets during the getting to know each other; so they get the ammunition when they decide it’s time to put you on ice.

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Shooters are self-centered people, for whom everything has to go according to their nose, be it in private life or at work. They work hard; however, if they feel that their hard work is not being appreciated, they have no problem breaking down their tents and moving on, as they always have new opportunities up their sleeves.

In private life, they don’t care whether someone is permanent in their lives or not, because they are the only person who matters. If they don’t like you, their looks can freeze you to ice.

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Aquarians are emotional, but also absolute assholes. They hide their feelings well, and when they’re upset, they deliberately don’t show it – they’ll get you in other ways. Maybe they just ignore you or spend time with someone they know you hate.

Or they tell you that they don’t have time to do something with you and then you hear later that they were out with other friends and made sure that you weren’t invited. Cold revenge without words is her special art form.

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Pisces are usually a little known as the baby among the zodiac signs, but don’t be fooled by them – they can be as cold and merciless as the other 6 if you upset them.

They attack you and often don’t let go of you until someone else intervenes who sees them in action. As soon as that happens, they put you on ice completely because you are not worth their time and energy for them and have now ceased to exist.

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