5 Zodiacs Who Will Stay In One Job For As Long As Possible

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1.      Capricorn

Capricorns will stay in one job for as long as they can. They love a predictable schedule and an even more predictable paycheque. They’re also the type to climb up the ranks. Their work ethic is unmatched which earns them a lot of respect from their bosses, which eventually leads them to higher positions in the long run.

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2.      Taurus

Taurus loves stability as much as Capricorn. So, when they’ve found a career with great benefits and pay, they tend to stay there for the next 20 years. They love to be comfortable, especially when it comes to their livelihood. You won’t find them searching for a job elsewhere unless they have to. And they’re the least likely to resign out of aspirational reasons.

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3.      Pisces

Stability gives Pisces the sense of order they’ve longed for. Staying in one job feels peaceful to them, and they’re the type to want that for a long time. You know them as the co-worker that sticks around after you left five years ago or that manager you grew up with. Like Capricorn, they climb up the ranks as well. They tend to soak up enough knowledge of a company that promotion becomes somewhat of a given.

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4.      Libra

Like Pisces, staying in a job gives Libra a sense of mental clarity. For them, it’s about what makes them the least overwhelmed. First days often make them anxious, and hopping between jobs can make them nervous. They love when things are in order, especially when they figure out a good work-life balance. Sure, it might get boring, but at least it pays their bills.

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5.      Cancer

Cancers look for stability in everything they do. They love the comfort of it, the predictability, and how much it gives them peace of mind. That’s why they only work jobs that they’d consider retiring from. Staying afloat has always been their priority, so don’t be surprised if you see them work a job they’ve had since their early 20s

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