5 Zodiacs Who See Lovers As They Are, Not As They Could Be

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Lovers: Capricorns mean business in relationships. They uphold pretty high standards and won’t wait for anyone to change. You may get along with them and even make them laugh, but their guard is probably still up. They’re careful who they give their heart to and know it isn’t for everyone. So, if they sense that their efforts won’t be 100 percent reciprocated, they won’t hesitate to look elsewhere.

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Aquarius doesn’t fall in love often, but when they do, it’s usually with someone who’s the real deal. They want that familiarity in their partner, someone who’s their best friend. Not someone who comes with empty promises. They aren’t afraid to let go of connections they know won’t serve them and aren’t ones to ignore red flags either.

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Taurus is too smart to fall for potential. They know what they want and aren’t ones to tolerate bad behavior. When it comes to love, they want someone dependable and stable to be with. Not someone who isn’t quite where they want to be. They’re as practical as they come, so they know when hope is no longer worth holding onto.

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Like Aquarius, Geminis aren’t too quick to jump into commitment. But when they do, they rarely do it head first. In love, they look for consistency and a connection like no other. So, if they’re noticing a few hiccups, they know to take note of it and not ignore it. They’re the first to observe a lack of changed behavior and won’t hesitate to let go of a connection that’s no longer serving them.

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Scorpios take their relationships seriously and won’t tolerate anything less. In love, they look for someone honest and sincere. Not someone who says one thing and means another. They spot red flags early and take note of inconsistencies. They can usually see through empty promises and aren’t afraid to let go of those who are incompatible

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