Zodiac Signs

5 Zodiacs Who Need Space In Relationships For Love To Grow

Have you ever known a couple that seems to do everything together? The two are never apart, whether they’re going grocery shopping, hitting the gym, or having dinner with friends. Whenever you see one, the other is always by their side or following shortly behind. Some zodiac signs like to spend all their time with their significant other – while others can’t stand it. It’s not that they don’t like their partner; they just don’t want or need to be around them 24/7. They require space and time apart for love to blossom. Here are the five zodiacs who need room in relationships for their love to grow, and how astrology explains their independence.


As the very first sign of the zodiac, Aries is used to being number one. Not only are they used to taking first place in competitions, but they are also used to doing everything solo. Aries people are fiercely independent and want to do things themselves. Plus, they don’t like compromising and prefer to do things their way. Aries people also have short tempers, so when they’re around anyone for too long, they start getting snippy and irritable. Although Aries partners are very loving and affectionate, they don’t need to be around their significant other constantly. They enjoy a little time apart to do their own thing: explore their solo hobbies, meet up with friends, and get some work done. To them, having space makes the time they do spend with their partner all the more enjoyable.


Virgos are perfectionists, and they like doing things a certain way. Their homes are typically very clean and organized, with a place for everything and everything in its place. It drives them crazy when a partner comes along and starts moving things and making messes. Virgos are also prone to anxiety and need some privacy and personal space for their mental well-being. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect. This means that Virgos are great communicators, so when they are away from their partner, they still keep in touch. Even if they’re not together physically, they are texting, calling, sending funny memes, and finding other ways to stay connected. So there is no need for them to be together all the time; in fact, it’s best if Virgos have a little breathing room.


Sagittarius is perhaps the most adventurous sign of the zodiac. They have an insatiable wanderlust and hate committing to any place, person, or thing. It’s a challenge for them to even settle down in a relationship, much less spend all their time with their partner. Sagittarians are always on the go, staying busy with their various hobbies, travel plans, and friends. There’s hardly room in their life for a partner, especially one who always wants to be together. They’re happy to have someone tag along on their adventures, but they aren’t going to change their plans for their significant other. They enjoy traveling alone just as much as with their loved ones, and they need some space so they don’t freak out about their level of commitment. When a Sagittarius feels stifled or constrained, they start to act out and rebel. This zodiac sign should have plenty of room within a relationship to keep it running smoothly.


Capricorns are used to being alone and misunderstood, so when they find a partner who gets them, they are ecstatic. However, that doesn’t mean they can change their loner ways so quickly. While they can develop into someone who spends all their time with their partner, they certainly don’t prefer it at the beginning of a relationship. As perhaps the most ambitious zodiac sign, Capricorns are focused on their personal and professional goals, and romance can seem like an unwanted distraction to them. Capricorns are also very private and stoic – they prefer not to emote publicly and need to know their partner extremely well before they’re comfortable letting their guard down. Having some time and space apart allows them to do the work that’s so important to them and sort through their emotions alone, the way they like it.


Aquarians are quirky and eccentric, and they will never conform to conventions. When they see other couples around them attached at the hip, they stubbornly refuse to spend all their time with their partner. They prioritize their friendships, careers, and personal goals, knowing that these things are just as important as romance. They are also loners who need plenty of time to themselves, and they’re quite protective of their personal space. Their significant other must accept their boundaries and not try to force their way into Aquarius’ life. The more someone tries to infiltrate their space and take over their time, the more reluctant Aquarius is to let them in. Maintaining their independence is crucial to having a healthy relationship for this zodiac; once they see they can still be themselves and have alone time within a partnership, they will start to open up more.

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