Calm Down: Do you have difficulty unwinding at the end of the day or relaxing on vacation? Do racing thoughts keep you up at night, or nervous energy makes you constantly fidgety and restless? Some people handle stress better than others – and some zodiacs do, too. Based on your astrological traits, you might be one of the signs who struggles to relax. Here are the five star signs who don’t know how to calm down, and what they can do to unwind.
Each zodiac sign rules a set of body parts, and Aries rules the head, including the brain. This means that they are highly intelligent. As an energetic fire sign, Aries people do everything quickly, including thinking. Their minds run a mile a minute, which can breed anxiety and obsessive thoughts. They’re also very active and have a hard time sitting still. This zodiac sign doesn’t know how to calm down because they have such overactive minds and bodies. The best way for them to relax is to use as much of their pent-up nervous energy as possible; they need consistent exercise to feel their best. And Aries people tend to prefer cardio workouts like running or boxing over activities like yoga. A good sweat session releases tension and helps them unwind.
Gemini rules the nervous system, so it’s no wonder this zodiac sign has a hard time calming down. Gemini is also ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, so Geminis are incredibly bright. Between their active nervous systems and quick minds, it’s easy for this star sign to overthink themselves into a frenzied state of anxiety. They struggle to relax because their imaginations run wild and they’re always coming up with exciting new ideas. And their creativity has a dark side, too – they may dream up the worst-case scenarios and try to think of ways to prevent them from happening. Geminis also have busy social lives and many hobbies, so they tend to overbook themselves and create additional stress. As the zodiac that rules communication, Geminis can unwind by journaling their thoughts or talking through them with a loved one or therapist. They also need to learn to say no to a few invitations and requests and schedule some relaxation time for themselves instead.
Virgos are the perfectionists of the zodiac, and while their meticulous attention to detail is an asset, it can also be a burden. Virgos are “fixers” – they can easily spot flaws and figure out how to repair them, whether it’s a problem with a plan, person, or situation. Since they are always noticing messes, they feel pressure to clean them up. Furthermore, Virgo rules the digestive system, and there is a strong connection between the gut and the brain. When this connection is imbalanced, it can exacerbate Virgos’ anxiety. The best way for Virgos to calm down is to take care of their diet and health. Eating nutritious foods and avoiding alcohol, caffeine, and sugar are crucial for this zodiac’s well-being. They must also learn to embrace mistakes and failures, and try to release their perfectionistic tendencies to ease their minds.
Libras have a specific concern that keeps them up at night and prevents them from relaxing: their relationships with others. Libras are the social butterflies of the zodzodiacd their connections with friends and loved ones are of the utmost importance to them. Even though they are charming, polite, and agreeable, they are always worried that someone is mad at them. They are people-pleasers who bend over backward to make sure everyone else is okay, often neglecting their own needs and desires in the process. Libras can calm down by learning to put themselves first. As the zodiac represses sent by the scales, they must strive for balance in how much effort they give others and themselves. When they make their needs a priority and stop giving in to everyone else’s wishes, they will find peace. Although this may be uncomfortable for them at first, it will ultimately result in a calmer, happier life.
As the most ambitious sign of the zodiac, Capricorns can’t relax because there is always more to accomplish. They are never satisfied with their success, always looking for the goal that will bring them happiness once they achieve it. They’re constantly trying to prove themselves, but no matter how much they succeed, it’s never enough. This zodiac needs to find some balance and learn that work and accolades aren’t the most important things in life. Focusing on their relationships and exploring their hobbies will bring the equilibrium necessary to help them relax. Capricorns should also realize that no one else is measuring their success the way they are – while others are happy to celebrate their achievements, they care more about connecting with their Capricorn loved one than the trophy.