You don’t want to stay up all night, working, when you could be getting a good night’s sleep. Even though you could push through and keep yourself awake, that’s not the healthiest option. That’s only going to cause exhaustion and burnout. Here are the zodiacs who never get enough sleep because they are running around, doing too much:
Gemini, you rarely get enough sleep because you put too much on your plate at once. You get restless when you have nothing to do, so you go the opposite route and pack your schedule. You struggle to fit everything into the day because there’s so much to do and never enough hours to do them in. Since you are so busy, you end up getting into bed much later than you intended every single night. It’s rare for you to get a good night’s sleep because you have to wake up early to get everything on your agenda done.
You never get enough sleep because your mind is always overthinking. Even when you get into bed at a decent time, your thoughts keep you awake for hours on end. You can’t stop yourself from thinking about the worst-case scenarios that might happen tomorrow, and worrying about all the tiny little mistakes that you made throughout the day. It’s difficult for you to wake up feeling well rested because you aren’t able to shut down your mind and gets some rest. Your thoughts keep you feeling restless.
Aries, you rarely get enough sleep because ideas pop into your head at the worst possible times. Even when you think that you’re on schedule to sleep at a reasonable time, there’s usually some sort of distraction that throws a wrench in your plans. Whether you completely forgot about something that you need to do ASAP, or you spontaneously decided to start on a new project, there’s always something keeping you awake. You never get a good night’s sleep because there’s so much you want to do in this life. You don’t want to waste a moment.
You rarely get enough sleep because you will prioritize other people above yourself. If someone is texting you throughout the night, you are going to answer. If someone calls you and needs to vent when it’s already past your bedtime, you aren’t going to turn them down. You are going to be there for them, even if you need to wake up in a few hours. You care more about helping your partners, friends, and family than you do about your sleep schedule. After all, you can always rely on coffee to keep you up the next day.
You never get enough sleep because you want to make sure you accomplish enough each and every day. You don’t want to rest until you cross certain items off your schedule, but certain tasks can take much longer than you anticipated. They can eat up all of your time and end up messing up your sleep schedule. But you care more about accomplishing your goals for the day than you do about whether you feel well-rested tomorrow, so you’re always staying up way past your bedtime. You’re always sacrificing sleep in order to do more.