Zodiac Signs

5 Birth Months With Glacial Exteriors But Warm Hearts Beneath

Some people put up a front to protect their hearts. They act like they couldn’t care less about anyone when they are surprisingly sensitive. They aren’t nearly as emotionless as they try to appear to the rest of the world. Here are the birth months who pretend to be more heartless than they are:


You act like you’re heartless because you are a logical person and most of the time, your emotions feel illogical. That’s why you pretend they don’t exist. You act like you’re heartless — even when you’re dealing with the person in the mirror. You rarely share your emotions with others because you aren’t actually in touch with those emotions. You avoid them as much as you can. You distract yourself for as long as possible. You don’t care if the rest of the world (wrongly) thinks you’re heartless because you would rather be seen as a hard worker.


You act like you’re heartless because expressing your most vulnerable feelings makes you uncomfortable. You are usually an open book because you don’t see the point in lying — except when it comes to your emotions. You will pretend not to care about certain people because you’re scared of how big your feelings are. You’re scared of giving them the potential to hurt you. You’re scared that they aren’t going to feel the same way or that they’ll use your emotions against you. So you would rather play it cool and act heartless.


You act like you’re heartless because you never want anyone to have power over you. You never want to admit how highly you regard their opinion, how badly you want their attention. You would rather pretend that you couldn’t care less about them, that they mean nothing to you. Although everyone thinks you wear your heart on your sleeve because you’re usually super blunt, you avoid voicing your biggest feelings. You avoid acting too vulnerable in public. But once you let someone in, they will realize that you are much softer and sweeter than anyone would ever guess.


You act like you’re heartless because you don’t want to make the first move. You don’t want to admit when you care about someone because that means risking humiliation and rejection. You never want to be the one who cares more so you pretend you don’t care at all. You pretend that certain people’s opinions mean nothing when really, they mean everything. When really, they’re the only ones you’re thinking about.


You act like you’re heartless to protect yourself. You don’t want to risk breaking your heart, so you avoid rejection completely by acting like you couldn’t care less about anyone. You pretend to be much more selfish than you are — and most people buy it. However, once they get to know the real you, they see that you have the biggest heart. You would do anything for the people you love. You are much more sensitive and considerate than you let on, but only a few lucky people will ever learn this about you

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