4 Zodiacs With Souls As Magical As Fairies

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How can you tell if someone has a fairy soul? Well, they’ve got to be mischievous, cunning, and a little bit silly. They enjoy pulling pranks and playing elaborate jokes on people, and you never know what to expect when you’re around them. But they also care deeply about the environment and do their part to help the planet.

Fairy souls are magical, mysterious, and hard to pin down. Any zodiac could have the soul of a fairy, but the youngest star signs – Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer – naturally possess the most sprite-like spirits. They are born with a certain childlike wonder and naivete that is always found in fairies. Here are the special fairy powers each of these four zodiac signs have, and how they express their fairy souls.

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Aries: Fire Fairy

As the first fire sign of the zodiac, Aries is the quintessential fire fairy. These fairies help manage and contain forest fires, preventing them from spreading and causing too much damage. They also use their fire powers to forge new paths, so travelers of all kinds can easily find their way through the woods. But be careful – a fire fairy in a mischievous mood may also create distractions and false pathways to make sure you get lost. Just like fun-loving Aries, they love to pull pranks and cause a little chaos.

The fairies need fire for cooking and cleaning, so fire fairies are especially helpful with those tasks. Aries has a passionate, aggressive spirit, just like the fire fairies. They are warriors who help protect their fellow fairies and forest animals from invasive creatures and predators, including humans. They can be quite fierce and intimidating when they want to be, despite their small size. Never pick a fight with a fire fairy because you will surely end up burned.

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Taurus: Earth Fairy

Steady, reliable earth sign Taurus is the ideal example of an earth fairy. Taurus is a gentle, affectionate zodiac sign, just like the sweet fairies who take care of the flowers, trees, and other plant life. They use their tiny green thumbs to help all living things grow. They also take care of the creatures and insects of the land. Like Taurus people, earth fairies are the first ones other fairies turn to when they need a friend or some sage advice.

Taurus is guided by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, so it makes sense that Taurus is the zodiac sign with a nurturing, loving fairy soul. They are as solid, dependable, and unyielding as the rocks and mountains, and they can always be counted on to lend a helping hand to their fellow fairies and forest creatures.

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Gemini: Air Fairy

Air sign Gemini perhaps embodies the fairy spirit the best of all the zodiac signs. They are light-hearted, cunning, clever, and very silly. Air fairies are exceptional fliers, so they are often tasked with delivering messages or other work that requires long and difficult flights. They work with the other fairies to control the weather, and they even get to paint beautiful rainbows across the sky. Air fairies also help scatter seeds in the wind to make more plants grow, and they use their powers to assist birds and flying insects.

Just like Geminis, air fairies are very talkative – they love to gossip and tell secrets. You may hear the tinkle of their laughter brushing through the trees or their whispers whistling in the wind. They are quite mischievous and often buddy up with fire fairies to play practical jokes on humans.

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Cancer: Water Fairy

Quiet, reserved water sign Cancer is the perfect zodiac match for water fairies. These magical creatures are very elusive and prefer to keep to themselves. They are a bit less social and bubbly than the other types of fairies, but they are every bit as loving, protective, and magical.

Unlike the other fairies, they can breathe underwater, as well as fly! They help keep the waters calm and clean so everyone can enjoy them. They also aid any water creatures that may be sick, injured, or in need of guidance. They work with air fairies to create rain clouds, and they provide the water for fire fairies to heat up for cooking and cleaning. They are sweet, sensitive, intuitive souls, just like Cancers.

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4 Zodiacs With Souls As Magical As Fairies
4 Zodiacs With Souls As Magical As Fairies






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