4 Zodiacs Whose Love Lives Are About To Take A Pivotal Turn


More often than not, we assume we know everything there is to know about our loved ones, Libra, and you are no exception. You think you’ve asked every question there is to ask, heard every critical story, and memorized all their preferences and dislikes, but still, always just outside your reach is a whole slew of thoughts, feelings, and experiences you will never truly know. And the surprise is when that truth comes to the surface and rears its ugly head at you. You don’t know how to react when confronted with the unknown, the foreign, the unfamiliar in someone so near and dear. Please take it as an opportunity instead of an insult. It is an endless invitation to learn more, grow closer, and understand in a deeper, more meaningful way.


You thought your love life was on pause, Cancer. That everything had come to a halt after your last failed relationship, and that it would stay that way, indefinitely perhaps, unless you undertook the herculean effort of ‘putting yourself back out there’, which you had no intention of doing. But you failed to recognize the possibility that someone else might attempt to put themselves out there with you. Might reach out, extend a hand, and ask for the opportunity to get to know you better. Even though this is catching you off guard and unprepared, don’t use that as an excuse to completely close yourself off to the world. This connection may be exactly what you need, you just haven’t admitted to yourself the need exists.


Your surprise is a realization, Capricorn. Something you thought you wanted has turned out not to be the right fit for you. Maybe the person you’ve been chasing has nothing in common with you. Maybe the things you set out to be in your relationship, the roles you sought to fill, aren’t where you feel most at ease or most at home. Maybe the life you planned with a partner suddenly isn’t where you see yourself heading. You can only be honest in your communication and honor your true feelings. A true partner will be able to change and grow along with you, and if that history hasn’t been established, there’s no harm and no foul. Just work on acknowledging your needs instead of hiding them out of fear you’ll end up alone.


Virgo, your surprise is just how completely and desperately you’ve fallen for something you considered by all means to be temporary and casual. Something is just clicking here. Something is comfortable and easy and fun and you find yourself more and more every day worrying about it ending. You have established a track record of nonchalance and aloofness, so contrary to the feelings that are overpowering you now, you don’t even know where you would begin when it comes to changing your tune. How do you convince this person, who has also agreed to tatakehings lightly, that you want closeness, commitment, and consistency? Normally, a as master of communication, you feel like words alone will fail you, and perhaps that’s for good reason. Sometimes a demonstration of devotion goes much further






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