4 Zodiacs Whose Lives Will Change When They Start Trusting Their Guardian Angels

The Old Testament, in Psalm 91, is where the idea of God assigning angels as guardians first appears:

For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.

That sounds like a great deal. Who wouldn’t want to take advantage of that?

For starters, someone who doesn’t believe in God or angels. It’s pretty simple: To trust your guardian angel, you must first believe that you have a guardian angel. You can’t claim to believe in a supernatural entity and then turn around and distrust them—that’s just foolish. If you don’t believe in your guardian angel, your guardian angel will probably feel offended and think, “Why even bother helping this ingrate?”

Here are four zodiac signs who tend to be the most naturally cynical and non-spiritual. If they could embrace the idea of a divine guardian angel who always protects them, their lives would take a remarkable turn for the good.

1. Virgo

The top two slots on this list go to the two signs that are ruled by Mercury, the planet of intellect and communication. Virgo and Gemini are very literal-minded: They need it in writing, and they need pictures, and it needs to be put through a peer-reviewed study, and an independent panel of investigators needs to confirm it, or it doesn’t exist. This is why they tend to scoff at silly ideas such as “guardian angels.” Virgos, especially, are known for their tireless perfectionism. Nothing is ever perfect enough for them. They keep building sandcastles on the beach, but the tides keep washing them away. Why is there so much imperfection in the world? If they would simply relax and let their divine-appointed bodyguard take control, they’d realize that everything happens for a reason. Everything is already perfect, but they’d never see it without having a little sprinkling of faith.

2. Gemini

The Twins are notoriously the most frustrating and difficult sign to deal with. Their cynical and fact-based approach to life can lean them down very negative pathways, and if you try to encourage them by saying, “Every cloud has a silver lining,” they’ll snap back with, “Oh yeah? Well, that means that every silver lining also has a cloud.” If only they’d close their eyes, take a few deep breaths, let the negative thoughts slowly fizzle out, and be accepting of the fact that God has assigned them a heavenly protector, their guardian angel would tap them on the shoulder and gently whisper in their ear, “I’ve been here all along. Let me help.”

3. Taurus

A fixed Earth sign symbolized by the Bull and renowned for their implacable stubbornness, Taurus likes to do things their way. They are highly resistant to change, and instead of stampeding headlong into the metaphysical world’s murky uncertainty, they’d rather stay in their muddy bullpen and seethe. Being cautious has its merits, but sometimes it keeps you stuck right where you started. If they’d only take a chance in believing that their guardian angel is ready to mount them, ride them out of the bucking chute, through the arena, and possibly even into the stars and the great beyond, Taurus would realize there’s a lot more to life than the rodeo.

4. Scorpio

When assigning Scorpio their personal guardian angel, God probably said, “Watch out for this one. They’re a handful.” As the most intense, vindictive, suspicious, and dark-hearted sign, Scorpio has a hard time trusting other humans, much less the idea that a loving God has given them a protector to watch over them and shield them from harm. But what would they lose if, iamidsome personal crisis for which logic and reason and revenge hold no answers, they cried out in the night for their guardian angel to act as a designated driver guaranteed to steer them to safety?





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