Zodiac Signs

4 Zodiacs Who Will Reinvent Themselves In October


Gemini reinvents themselves this month, like a Pokemon evolving from deer-in-the-headlights-intern into Subject Matter Expert™. Instead of trying so hard to bounce around from one area of their lives to another, trying to be everything to everyone all the time, they finally carve out an area of expertise and clearly defined value for themselves. I’m the “this” person in my life, insert honed skill here. It’s the moment when they give themselves the permission they’ve been desperate for. Permission to put their eggs in this one particular basket. Permission to be proud of and flaunt that basket instead of worrying whether it will hurt any of the other baskets’ feelings. Permission to carve out time for the path they want to follow and set boundaries outside that focus. I work hard on this one thing from hours x to y, and then I make time for myself. I walk or read a book, put on my pajamas, and watch mindless TV. I no longer feel the pressure to be productive and achieve 18 out of 24 hours a day.


Libra wants to get away from this goody-two-shoes persona they think secretly gets under people’s skin. They are dying to be just the tiniest bit edgy—everyone loves a little edginess. Best pop culture example to prove this theory? The Vampire Diaries. Everyone gets sick of poor Elena being stuck in a love triangle while trying not to hurt everyone’s feelings. Absolutely narcissistic doppelgänger, Katherine? What’s not to love? Libra knows deep down that the outward facade they’ve been displaying to the world is inauthentic. They’re more complex and nuanced than what’s polite, professional, and easily digested. They have opinions that are loud and controversial and have the potential to offend some people. They have wishes and desires that aren’t all PG. They get annoyed, frustrated, sad, angry, and yearn for the ability to express those feelings without worrying whether it will inconvenience anyone. This month is their chance to shed that 20-something-playing-a-high-schooler-feigned-innocence and let their inner vamp run wild.


Capricorn reinvents themselves this month by letting go of the part of themselves that thinks they always have to agree with the people in power. They’re used to getting ahead by toeing the line, behaving like that well-behaved middle child, and never, ever, under any circumstances, rocking the boat. For too long they’ve met the demands of people who want them to be a critical thinker without being critical of who the demand is coming from. Analyze the data, but don’t analyze who it is coming from, or who it is going to. Respect has to be earned, not required, and just because someone receives attention or fame doesn’t mean they’ve done so through noble means. Being famous and infamous often involves the same amount of paparazzi and news coverage. Capricorn needs to finally be more careful of whose advice they follow and who they emulate and why. Just because someone calls the shots doesn’t mean they’re calling the right ones.


Virgo reinvents themselves this month by letting go of their perfectionism. It’s going to mentally and emotionally destroy them at first, but then it’s going to be completely and utterly liberating. They are so hard-wired to do things the “right” way, that without that mindset, nothing will feel worth doing at all. But once they shift, even in the slightest way, towards the consideration that an alternative may exist, they will find their freedom. The freedom to say things like “I do it this way because I like it that way,” “I do it this way because I want to,” “I do it this way because it’s easy,” “because it makes me feel good,” “because it’s what I need right now.” They start living their lives about themselves, to their bodies, minds, and hearts, and learn to leave behind this pan-competitive nature where everything is a race with a score and a first-place medal that they absolutely cannot live with themselves if they don’t win. The pressure dissipates and the volcano is no longer at risk of erupting.

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