4 Zodiacs Who Will Meet A Kindred Spirit This Month

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Leo is about to meet someone who matches their energy to a T. Someone willing to be the life of the party alongside them into the early hours of the morning and then hit the gym and the spa the next day to detox. Someone who is always seeking out the best of what life has to offer, and never lets an experience pass them by out of fear or laziness. They will always be ready to pack a bag, hop on a bike, meet friends for dinner, or just sit on the beach. Their social energy never wavers, and they make genuine connections with every stranger they strike up a conversation with. Where others feel forced or unnatural or overwhelmed with this pace and level of exposure to the world, Leo’s kindred spirit feels reinvigorated and shows Leo that just because most people can’t keep up, they shouldn’t feel pressured to give up any aspect of their lifestyle.

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Capricorn meets someone who plays by the rules just as much as they do. Someone who pays attention to the minutest details and approaches every task with an extreme level of thoroughness and dedication. Someone who does their homework before weighing in with an opinion, and always reads the e-mail before responding. They go to bed every night proud of everything they accomplished and wake up ready to tackle the day, and all of its obligations, anew. They don’t shy away from a challenge, from confrontation, or accountability. They know what they don’t know, and aren’t afraid to ask for help. They endeavor to deliver their best performance, be it in an imperfect world or system, and they don’t let major or minor inconveniences break their spirit. In the face of roadblocks or hiccups they adjust, they pivot, they do everything and anything but stop pushing forward. Coming into contact with this spiritual mirror shows Capricorn just how much hope and positivity they bring into the world.

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Gemini meets a kindred spirit whose type is a capital “A”. Someone who is always on the go with a million things to do and not enough time to do them. Someone who will sacrifice sleep and skip lunch all in the name of hitting deadlines. Someone who will iron their bedsheets and has a spotless refrigerator. Someone who never forgets a birthday and meticulously wraps gifts by hand. Someone who is regimented and constantly exercises self-control. Someone who is ruled by their logic, not their whims. Someone who makes decisions based on the outcomes and consequences of their actions not what mood they’re in. This is a person who knows what they’ll be doing today, tomorrow, a month from now, five years down the road. They are never caught unprepared or indecisive. Their anxiety about what’s to come means they are always ready for every outcome, every possibility. Gemini realizes through this contact how they never relinquish power to chance.

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Pisces’ kindred spirit is a person who is extremely self-contained and self-sufficient. Someone who is entertained and occupied by their mind alone. Someone who can nourish and stimulate their intellect. Someone who exerts power over their attention span to spend time on the ideas and concepts that excite and interest them the most. They don’t waste time on boredom or ennui. There is always a book to read, a walk to take, a vista to admire, and unanswered questions about the meaning of life to ponder. There are memories to recall and futures to imagine. Alternative realities to consider and lose yourself in. Quiet moments in which to lose total perception of their surroundings and transport themselves in thought to a new location. To not limit themselves by the conditions of a present reality and instead consider an endless realm of possibilities. Through meeting this person, Pisces comes to realize the true freedom they possess by the nature of their mental faculties

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