4 Zodiacs Who Will Finally Get Out Of A Funk This Spring


You’ll change your mindset with a change of scenery this Spring, Aries, except you won’t even leave your front door. A coat of paint, a few new pieces of art to hang on the wall, and an accent throw pillow all have the power to transform your home. You just need to roll up your sleeves and take your Spring cleaning to a whole new level. Investing time, energy, and funds into a makeover for your personal space will have ripple effects on your mental health and overall outlook. When you demonstrate to yourself that you are worth it, and that you deserve space that inspires and motivates you, you will apply that attitude to the remaining areas of your life. Your job, your relationships, your free time. If a few small changes can transform your home, the same is true for you.


You’re so adventurous, Gemini, and this Spring a trip you’ve been looking forward to is the thing that snaps you out of your funk. You’ve been slogging towards this finish line, holding onto this light at the end of a tunnel you’ve been stuck in for what feels like forever. You signed onto a project you knew would be overwhelming, but did yourself the favor of dangling a carrot for yourself, a reward for getting all of the work done. The second you clock out, close the laptop and step away from this temporary shit show, you will feel an immediate weight lifted off your shoulders. The world is your oyster, and the road or the skies calls your name. No matter where you’re headed, the potential of this well-deserved vacation is enough to make you feel completely new.


Something is going to give Sagittarius. You’re right, knocking on the same doors over and over again and expecting different results is an exercise in futility. Some people, some things, some opinions will never change. But the inhabitants of the house might. So when you knock on that same door, once again, out of sheer obligation (because you’d never torture yourself like this of your own volition), and see a brand new face, your funk will begin to dissipate. All it takes is one new variable for you to see the potential for change in every related area. If this, then that, and on and on, etc. until you’ve completely recalculated your projections and expectations for the month, the year, and your career. Try to remember this the next time you start to feel stagnant. The only thing you can ever depend on is change.


This Spring, you get out of your funk by learning to embrace it. The second you stop trying to shake it, the second you allow yourself to wear the sweatpants, eat the donut, binge multiple seasons of guilty pleasure, sleep in, stay up late, and just wallow a little, you will suddenly feel less of an urge to do so. Explore the feelings, the boredom, the ennui, the melancholy, and see where they take you. Try to resist the urge to constantly be doing and making, and remember that part of the creative process is taking in the world, having new experiences, and finding new material so you can evolve and grow. You could write a million poems about the same flower, but how much more interesting to go to the desert or the seashore and capture the essence of something different?





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