4 Zodiacs Who Will Escape Their Own Anxiety


Your anxiety is the product of being pushed beyond your limits from every angle. You haven’t been getting enough sleep, there’s too much work for you to finish, and conflict and criticism add extra weight to the situation. The first thing you can do for yourself is to ook at this scenario and identify all of the ways these circumstances are contributing to your emotional response, which is completely normal. Then, you can acknowledge the temporary nature of the circumstances, which will naturally end, or be put to an end by your intervention. Give yourself the grace to respond and react, and make it through to the other side. Brighter and lighter days are indeed ahead.


Your anxiety is tied up in a lot of self-doubt, Taurus. You’re worried you don’t have what it takes to reach the next level you’ve been reaching. Imposter syndrome tells you you don’t belong. Unhealthy levels of comparison have you convinced someone else could do it much more easily and better than you could. And these negative voices in your head have you terrified you will humiliate yourself if you keep heading in this direction because, at some point, you’re bound to fail. This is t suffocating way to achieve your goals, so you must lighten yourloadd. Get some sleep, get outside, and take a break from social media. Nurture your body and mind to give this thing your all truly.


Your anxiety is coming from the unknown, Aquarius, from everything to your in-flux social plans to global news headlines. The act of waiting, whether it is to confirm details or receive bad news, has you spiraling. It’s okay to have this anticipatory reaction, Aquarius, and in some ways is probably the result of evolution. But the crazier and more complex our world becomes, its perceived potential threats are reasonably endless. Furthermore, some are potentially impossible to prepare for or escape. As nihilistic as it may seem, if you’re worried about getting broken up with, laid off, or attacked by aliens, you may as well live in the moment. Don’t despair until you have absolute certainty. Losing sleep over a seven percent chance of anything isn’t sustainable.


Your anxiety is situational, Sagittarius. You’re afraid of a veal consequence or scenario you’ve been trying to avoid. Maybe you’re ascaredof telling the truth, or speaking up for yourself because you’re afraid of how people will react or whether you could be punished. You’ve been attempting to puthe ppet master the people around you, without realizing that some things are jut of oyourcontrol. You can take responsibility for your actions, stand by your convictions, and allow people to react authentically. That’s the most we can ask for in life, and if you take this approach, you won’t have the overwhelming urge to anticipate and manage everyone else’s feelings. It will give you more time to focus on and care for your own





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