4 Zodiacs Who Should Make the Most Out Of Aquarius Season

The seasons of our lives are constantly changing. While the dates of each zodiacal season may slightly differ here and there, like clockwork, the Sun makes its way through every sign in a year. As the brilliant Sun travels through these domains, our focus shifts, depending on the house being activated at any given time.

This year Aquarius season runs from January 19 to February 18. As the revitalizing Sun ventures into progressive and forward-thinking Aquarius, four zodiacs should use these 30 days to get ahead of the game.

Are you one of them?


Aquarius,  aka the Water Bearer, rules over your sector of income and value. With the Sun in your intellectual neighboring sign, it’s go-time to increase your bottom line. If you play your cards right, abundance naturally flows to you. This is about working smarter, not harder, and is typically a good time to get a pay raise, accept a new job,b or invest in your venture. Leaning on your network brings opportunities to secure the bag. You are more than capable of going it alone, but experience more success when you get others involved. Anything that increases your value and worth is also an excellent use of your energy and resources. This means everything from expanding and diversifying your skill set, to a relaxing day at the spa because you deserve it.


You have a naturally curious and active mind as an Air sign. Aquarius season often invites you to get creative and innovative with the ideas that float around your head. This can be a period of taking action and manifesting, as you curate reality to your liking. Aquarius oversees your realm of creativity and fertility. It’s time to make those thoughts tangible, and a good indicator of how much success something will bring is the amount of joy it brings to you in return! Avoid getting caught up in your typical game of mental volleyball. Instead of debating whether should I, or shouldn’t, just take that first step and see how you feel. Ruled by passionate and visionary Venus, there is an inner artist who yearns to make the world a bit more beautiful. Aquarius season offers you a blank canvas, and you decide how you want to fill it.


While you want nothing more than to be home under a comfy blanket, Aquarius season beckons you out into the world. Your 10th House of Public Image and Notoriety receives the cosmic spotlight. This is a time for you to be seen and recognized for the intelligent and resourceful being you are. While you may be a typical homebody, you don’t mind stepping out if it’s on a pedestal — but also, the beauty of social media is you don’t have to leave your house to show up or show off. Use your time in the limelight wisely and focus on connecting with the right people. Ramp up promotion on any personal endeavors or business ventures, lead a talk about your industry, or strive to be the star employee at your company because your efforts and presence will be noticed.


If there is one thing you love, it’s research. There is something so refreshing about learning and diving deep into a new topic. For you understand that knowledge is the true currency and Aquarius season is the perfect time to acquire it. The Water Bearer rules over your higher mind and education. Follow your interests and instincts, and what you discover often pays off down the road. This is when yocanto take in more than usual and block out any distractions that drain your energy. Staying sharp and “in the know” makes you a valuable resource for anyone or anything you’re involved with. Tackling a new skill, studying a new system, etc. is always a good idea — especially during Aquarius season. Just you, your current material, and endless hours of information. While the thought of this may bring you bliss, putting it to the test will attract greater success in the seasons to come.e





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