4 Zodiacs Who Need To Take Their Christmas Sleigh By The Reins On December 13


Christmas: Virgo needs to set the tone for their holiday enjoyment by focusing on what they control, who they decide to see, where they decide to go, and how they decide to spend their time. They can too often focus on the behavior of others, putting them under the magnifying glass and picking apart their every word, decision, and gesture, but the holidays bring on a pressure beyond anything Virgo can drum up on their own. They need to make space for others to navigate this time in whatever way makes sense for them, and they need to do the same for themselves. It’s a “live and let live” mantra designed to give everyone involved the best outcome possible. When Virgo sets people up to disappoint them, it’s destined to happen, but when Virgo focuses on their own needs and decisions, they get to be their own best friend.


Scorpio needs to take their Christmas sleigh by the reins by getting their shopping taken care of. They are so intent on buying everyone the perfect gift that will blow them away, but they spend so much time searching that they run the risk of coming up empty-handed. They need to push past their analysis paralysis and click that buy button in their online shopping cart. Everyone knows how much effort Scorpio puts into their relationships and would appreciate anything they took the time to pick out for them. Scorpio just needs to focus on being in the moment, spending time with the people who matter, and seeing that that matters so much more than any physical object money can buy. They just need to take some of that pressure off of themselves and trust in their ability to express their love in different ways.


Capricorn needs to make a big gesture towards someone they’ve developed profound feelings for this Christmas. It’s time to grab the reins and steer their sleigh towards the relationship they’ve been hoping and searching for for years. At this critical moment, the lesson they’re being tasked to learn is that to receive the love they’re looking for, they have to be willing to put themselves out there. There is no relationship in the world where the other person always goes first. Share their feelings first. Says “I love you” first. Opens up first. Apologizes first. Sometimes you have to take a turn. So in this moment, Capricorn has a chance to demonstrate they are capable of doing this to their prospective partner and start something new off on the right foot. It may not seem as important now, but the groundwork Capricorn lays today will have repercussions throughout the entire relationship.


Aquarius needs to open themselves up to the possibility this Christmas. Taking the sleigh by the reins for them means showing up with an open mindset and trusting that the people who are extending invitations and trying to build relationships with them during this special time may not be best friends or family at this moment, but have the potential to reach that level in the future. It’s hard to see what lies ahead or identify the exact moment where these crucial changes occur, but sometimes it’s these little holiday moments that become lifelong memories. White elephants, ugly sweater parties, and cookie decorating bring people closer in a way that a Friday happy hour doesn’t necessarily do. Spending the holidays with new people for the first time is a meeting of everyone’s different experiences emotions and memories, and letting people see a side of you they’ve never seen before





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