Zodiac Signs

4 Zodiacs Who Must Make A Decision Or Face The Consequences This Month


Libra’s decision is the age-old one to stay or to go. They need to stop wrestling with themselves constantly and choose a side. Are they going to buckle down and plant roots where they are, or will they cast it all aside to venture out on a new beginning? There is no right answer, and either path will likely lead to a lifetime of happiness, but Libra will never get there if they don’t choose which of the two is their path, to begin with.  Until you decide on your own, you’ll never fully embrace all it has to offer. Let go of this teetering back and forth and turn a possibility into your chosen reality. What we don’t put our full energy into never reaches its potential.


Capricorn’s decision is all about honesty. Do they say what they think and risk rocking the boat, or do they keep their mouth shut and watch as chaos ensues around them? It’s hard, finding the courage to voice our negative opinions, and Capricorn is stuck between what they see as one negative consequence and another, but eventually, someone is bound to ask them point blank what they think about the situation, and if they don’t choose the path of honesty, they’ll be left with no other option than to lie. When we avoid the truth this long, there’s no way we can expect to end up anywhere other than blatant dishonesty. Lying by omission eventually always becomes just another lie.


Leo needs to figure out what it is they want. The job, the relationship, the home, the look. They have been so busy chasing after whatever is the latest fashion that they’ve found themselves without a consistent identity they can cling to. Drawing a line in the sand, even on one front can give them a point of reference, an anchor to hold onto when life starts to get complicated. If you don’t make that stand, you’ll reach a point where you feel you can’t keep up anymore. Where fashion seems to favor the young. Where influence matters less to you than your satisfaction and fulfillment. You will look back at the trends you were chasing as nothing but fads that never meant much to you, to begin with.


Aquarius needs to decide if they are going to let something go, or if they want to put in the work to keep it in their life. Friends can drift apart, and we can lose touch with our hobbies, and not keep up with acquaintances, it’s all a natural part of life, but at some point, we are responsible for making that decision to let the relationship fizzle out, or to reengage. To send the text, make the plans, and remind ourselves of why we love these people and things so much to begin with. We can choose to think of these different aspects of our lives as houses or gardens that can be left to be overtaken by time, weeds, nature, and decay. Or, we can sweep, trim, apply a new coat of paint, and learn to love them all the more.

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