4 Zodiacs Who Have A Bad Habit Of Bottling Up Emotions

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It’s never easy to open up about your deepest, darkest feelings – but you shouldn’t hide your thoughts from the people who care about you the most. You shouldn’t feel pressured to pretend everything is okay when you’re secretly suffering. Here are the zodiacs who have a bad habit of bottling up their emotions, even though what they’re feeling is completely valid:


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You have a bad habit of bottling up your emotions because you don’t want to cause any trouble. You would rather grin and bear it than spark a confrontation because you don’t believe speaking up for yourself is worth the stress. But if you never discuss how you’re feeling, no one will realize how much you’re suffering. You need to be clear about your expectations and boundaries so you don’t end up getting walked over in friendships and relationships. Even though you might feel like it’s easier to keep quiet, that doesn’t mean it’s the right decision. You deserve happiness. You deserve comfort. If other people are making you feel bad about yourself, or are making you uncomfortable in any room, then you’re allowed to call that out. You’re allowed to ask for more.


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You have a bad habit of bottling up your emotions because you don’t want to bother anyone. You don’t want to bring down the mood by complaining about problems that no one else cares about. But the people who love you do care. They won’t consider your feelings inconveniences or burdens. They will be happy to let you vent, and to be the shoulder that you lean on until you feel okay again. You’re an overthinker at heart, so you’re always worried about how your actions are impacting others. However, the people who genuinely care about you aren’t going to judge you or get annoyed by you. They are going to be relieved you felt comfortable enough to be honest with them and open up.


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You have a bad habit of bottling up your emotions because you value logic above emotion. If you feel like the thoughts running through your mind are ‘irrational’ then you will pretend that they don’t exist. You will ignore them and distract yourself in any way you can. However, you can’t will away your messy feelings. You need to accept them and deal with them. Otherwise, you are going to end up exploding out of nowhere one day. Even though you might not want certain feelings to exist, you need to acknowledge them and actively cope with them. It’s hard, but you can do it. You have the strength.


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You have a bad habit of bottling up your emotions because you have been called overemotional and too much one too many times. You don’t want to appear weak by putting your emotions on display for everyone to see – but the right people will understand that being vulnerable is actually a strength. Don’t allow toxic people from your past to shame you into changing yourself. You are allowed to express your emotions freely. You are entitled to your feelings, and they deserve to be heard. Don’t think you’re doing others a favor by shutting them out. The right people will want to know everything that’s going on in your head. They will admire you for the same reasons others have judged you.





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