4 Zodiacs Who Find Their Dating ‘Type’ Later In Life

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Some people know exactly what type of partner that they want at an early age. But other people have gone through their fair share of bad dating experiences. Their taste changed over time, as they realized that the type of people they were chasing weren’t a great fit for them. Here are the zodiacs who discover their dating type later in life:

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Aries, you are the type of person who gets swept up in relationships. When you develop feelings for someone, you don’t stop to question them. You try your best to enjoy every moment with them before it passes. At least, that’s how you used to behave. But as you’re getting older, you are finally starting to look before you leap. Instead of jumping into relationships with someone because you’re excited by them, you’re asking yourself whether they are worthy of you. Whether they want the same things that you want. You are still spontaneous — but you are more careful now. You aren’t going to act impulsively and end up regretting it. You are going to think your decisions through, especially when it comes to dating, so you don’t end up with the wrong person again.

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Gemini, you weren’t exactly sure what you were looking for when you were younger. You were trying to figure it out as you went along. But now that you’re older, you have a good sense of what your soulmate will look like. You are still keeping an open mind and open heart, but you have strong dealbreakers too. You aren’t going to waste time with people who have qualities your exes have had, who clearly won’t mesh with you well. You have a more clearly defined type now because you understand what you are looking for in a relationship. You understand what you need to feel comfortable and safe with someone else.

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Scorpio, since you’re such a pessimist, you spent a lot of your past ruling people out based on the qualities you didn’t like in them. But now that you’re getting older, you know what qualities you want as well. Instead of looking for reasons to turn someone down and protect your heart, you’re taking a genuine look at their personality to see whether you would be compatible. Since you know yourself so well now, it’s easier to tell whether someone is going to clash with your personality or not. You can’t always pick a winner, but you’re much better at selecting who is deserving of your heart or not.

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Pisces, there was a time in your life when you didn’t question whether someone was a good fit for you. If they wanted to date you, then you would want to date them. After all, you are a hopeless romantic. You love the idea of love. If someone was willing to give you their heart, then you would accept it. But as you’re growing older, you are starting to be more selective with your time and your affection. You don’t want to settle for someone who likes you more than you like them. You want to feel that spark too. You want to be wild about them. Although it pains you to reject good people, you will do so because the right relationship has strong interest from both sides

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