4 Zodiacs Who Feel Like The World Is Ending When Something Small Goes Wrong

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Some zodiacs are naturally laidback. Whenever something goes wrong, whether it’s big or small, they let it roll right off their back. But others aren’t so lucky. They have trouble moving on from even the smallest setbacks, even when they logically know everything is going to be okay in the end. Here are the zodiacs who feel like the world is ending whenever something small goes wrong:

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You’re a planner, so you can’t stand when your schedule gets thrown off. Even though you know you’re capable of handling whatever life throws at you, it doesn’t change the fact that you’re going to panic in the moment. Before you pull yourself together and figure out how to solve the issue, you’re going to feel sorry for yourself. You’re going to worry. You are going to feel like the world is ending because your plans didn’t go exactly the way that you intended for them to go. But in the end, you’re always going to come out stronger. You’re going to surprise yourself by handling the situation so much better than you ever could have dreamed. And you should be proud of yourself for that.

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You’re a pessimist at heart, so whenever something small goes wrong, you feel like it’s the end of the world. It might be something tiny now, but you’re assuming this is only the beginning. You’re assuming more horror is to come. It’s hard for you to bounce back from hard times because you’re worried more pain is right around the corner. Once one thing goes wrong, you’re scared there’s going to be a domino effect. Even if there’s no ‘realistic’ reason for you to think this, you can’t help yourself. Your worrying is hard to squash. But you always find a way to make it through. You might shed some tears or scream into your pillow, but you always endure.

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You feel like the world is ending whenever something small goes wrong because you are surprisingly sensitive. You take every little thing to heart. It’s hard not to take it personally when things go wrong because it feels like it’s all your fault. But most things are out of your control. You can’t blame yourself. You can’t feel like you should have predicted the unpredictable. You are doing the best that you can with the information at hand. You are working at one hundred percent. And you should be proud of yourself for that.

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You feel like the world is ending whenever something small goes wrong because you aren’t confident you can handle the situation. You don’t believe in your own abilities. You assume that there’s no fixing whatever went wrong because you don’t have the smarts or the talent. But that’s not true at all. Even though there are always moments of intense panic where you aren’t sure what move to make next, you always end up figuring it out. You always come up with a solution, even if it takes you some time and some tears. Your situation is never as hopeless as it feels at first. You’re always able to make the best of it.

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