4 Zodiacs Who Are Ready To Bring Their Significant Other Home This Holiday Season

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With Gemini’s busy schedule and unpredictable dating life, it can be hard for them to line up everyone’s calendars to make romance and family overlap for the holidays. They’d prefer everyone meet in a more casual setting and get comfortable with each other before ripping off the shared holidays bandaid. They are sensitive souls and don’t want to make someone a part of their long held family traditions unless they feel confident the relationship is bound for long-term success. But this year all the boxes are checked, and it’s time for them to take things to the next level. Gemini has never felt this at ease with a partner, and their family is thrilled to see how happy they are. Being the Type A sign that they are, they’ll still warn everyone not to talk about politics at the dinner table.

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Leo has a more casual approach to holiday invitations. In their mind, it’s always the more, the merrier. Whether or not they have a significant other, they’re always bringing an extra seat to the table for friends or co-workers and come from families who know how to make everyone feel welcome. So when it’s time to bring a partner home for the holidays, the bar is low and the pressure is basically non-existent. If anything, their plus one may want it to hold more weight and significance than it actually does. They just need to have a casual approach and save the big conversations for a later date. Being natural and true to yourself is all anyone will be evaluating their performance on in a group this size, but they can win brownie points by helping with the dishes.

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“Click Here to Find Taurus Man Secrets You Need To Know”

Taurus is ready to let their partner be fed to the wolves, if only because they’re confident they can handle themselves. Everyone knows Taurus is picky, has a taste for the finer things in life, and isn’t easily impressed. Their families even more so want the best for them. But after plenty of time alone with their significant other, late dinners, memorable travels, and nights in alone, they are ready to open up their lives even further and introduce their partner to their family. It’s a crucial step that will determine the fate of the relationship. They’ve basically taken it as far as it can go without figuring out if the familial compatibility is there, and Taurus could never plan a life with someone who didn’t love their mother. What better way to find the answer than at the holiday dinner table?


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Aquarius wants to bring their significant other home for the holidays because it’s the best way to explain themselves without having to say a word. Where and who Aquarius comes from is a deep, integral part of their identity, and letting a loved one experience that first hand is an extremely intimate gesture. Aquarius adores their tight knit family and community, and eventually would like to move closer to home. It’s important for them to be with someone who falls in love with their hometown as much as with them, and they have high hopes that the holiday season is the way to get their other half sold on the idea. It’s a time that holds so much emotional and sentimental value for them, they hope it can get the message across in a more visceral way.

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