December: You aren’t the only one who has been stressing this month. Between the chaos that the holidays bring and the amount of work you still need to get done before the year ends, it’s a miracle that you have kept it all together, so give yourself a pat on the back. Here are the zodiacs who are having the most exhausting December:
This December has been exhausting for you because you have barely had a second to rest. You have been running around nonstop, trying to get a thousand different things done as quickly and efficiently as possible. Whenever you think you’re finished with your to-do list, then another problem pops up that you have to handle. Your work is never complete. It keeps going and going with no end in sight. Although you have tried to pace yourself and avoid putting too much on your plate at once, it’s been hard when so much is happening at once. You haven’t had any time for yourself – but hopefully, that will change once the new year rolls around.
This December has been emotionally exhausting because of all the drama you have been dealing with lately. Although you wish everyone would just get along, especially during the holiday season, that isn’t the way that it works. There’s always a problem, and for some reason, you’re the one who has to hear about it. You’re the one who gets stuck trying to solve the problem or trying to calm everyone down. This month has been extra exhausting because you have been dealing with other people’s stress on top of your stress. You have been trying to be there for everyone, but it’s just not possible at times.
This December has been exhausting because you’ve been struggling to perfect your work/life balance. You have been trying to be everything for everyone while still setting aside enough time for yourself, and it’s been tricky to manage it all. But since you don’t want to neglect anyone or any of your responsibilities, you aren’t sure how to lighten the load. You aren’t sure how to take it easier on yourself without disappointing the people around you. Although you’ve been trying your hardest to end this new year right, it’s been a struggle. It hasn’t been easy on you. Not one bit.
This December has been exhausting because you haven’t had a moment to yourself. Although all you want is peace, you’ve been dealing with pure chaos. You haven’t had a second to sit down and rest because other people keep needing your attention. They keep taking and taking without offering anything in return, and it’s been emotionally and physically draining. Your brain is tired and so is your body because you haven’t given yourself the proper amount of rest. You have been running on empty, and you aren’t going to be able to keep it up for much longer. You’re going to need to clear your schedule