Zodiac Signs

4 Zodiacs Who Are Extra Stressed This October

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Some zodiacs are going to have a cozy, peaceful autumn. Others might encounter some turbulence ahead of them. However, that doesn’t mean the month will be a total bust. It’s entirely possible to have a wonderful time, even if you’re a little more stressed than usual. Here are a few zodiacs who might be feeling extra stressed in October:

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Aries, although you love to go with the flow and act spontaneously, your impulsivity isn’t always positive. You can get yourself in trouble by forgetting to think about the consequences of your actions. Remember, your decisions matter. If you aren’t careful about the path you take, then you could end up on the completely wrong road. Moving forward this month, you need to slow down and think through your choices. It will be less time-consuming to consider things carefully now than it would be to deal with problems caused further down the road.

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Virgo, you’re a perfectionist because you care deeply about success. You want to be the smartest person in the room. You want to achieve all of your wild dreams. However, that perfectionism can come back to bite you. It can cause you to procrastinate because you don’t want to risk facing rejection. You keep telling yourself you’ll get things done tomorrow, and then tasks pile up. Even though October may be stressful for you, you can reduce your stress in the future by taking on a little less at once.

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Libra, you believe in peace and love, so you never want to cause bad vibes. You never want to bring down the mood in the room. You are a non-confrontational people-pleaser because you’re trying to avoid drama and keep everyone smiling, but this can cause you to end up more stressed out than you need to be. Avoiding problems doesn’t make them disappear; it only makes them grow worse. If you don’t want issues to snowball, then make a promise to yourself this October that you’ll deal with whatever is wrong sooner rather than later. That way, you can hopefully avoid feeling as stressed as you might be this month.

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Gemini, you have trouble coming to decisions because you don’t want to make the wrong one. You don’t want to end up with regrets. But if you take too long to conclude, you could miss out on opportunities. Although it’s smart to think through all your options, waiting until the last second to make a decision is only going to stress you out more. That’s why October might be a bit rough – but the rest of the year doesn’t have to be this way. Trust your gut. Believe in yourself. Your doubts are the only thing stopping you from making a decision and sticking to it, so try to trust yourself more this month.

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