4 Zodiacs Naturally Aware of Their Former Lives

The future shines on us like a billion sparkling stars, creating shadows that reach back into our distant and gloomy past.

Right now, you are the sum of all of your previous identities. You were built by your past. Additionally, your current self is a forecast of who you will become in the future.

Around the world, many believe in reincarnation, which holds that we are all immortal souls who undergo multiple bodies as a means of spiritual development. In the West, the ancient Greek thinkers Pythagoras, Plato, and Socrates all taught that only the body dies, not the spirit. Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Jainism are among the Eastern religions that originated in India. They all teach that karma, a moral law of cause and effect, directs a person’s path to purification throughout multiple lifetimes.

These four zodiac signs are inclined to reach back in time and appreciate the enchanted wonder of their former selves because of their heavenly fortunes.

1. Pisces

Our dreams provide enchanted windows into our history, which may be both calming and frightening at times. We must lie down with our eyes closed to experience the fascinating stories that dreams reveal to us about ourselves. The secret to reviving long-forgotten memories is found in dreams. They provide us with hints about who we were, the pleasures and tragedies we experienced, and how we ended up in our current position. Neptune, the planet that governs illusions and dreams, is in charge of Pisces. You might have seen that, if you’re a Pisces, you often dream about encountering difficulties while merely attempting to return home. Keep trying. Halfway there, you are.

2. Scorpio

Pluto, the minor planet that governs death, metamorphosis, and rebirth, rules Scorpios, who are inherently inclined to look into their distant past and through the murky web of the invisible. Imagine traveling from Earth to Pluto, curling up and speeding into the deepest parts of our solar system three billion miles distant, uncovering long-buried secrets, and witnessing things that have long been hidden. Scorpios will know who they are today and confront the future with a laser-like focus on the higher soul they intend to become after they have a clear picture of who they were in the past.

3. Cancer

Cancer, who is ruled by the Moon, which directs memory, wisdom, empathy, and maternal instincts, enjoys climbing back through the branches of their family tree to see where they lead. In the admirable pursuit of emotional stability, Cancer, a water sign that is regarded as the most emotional of all the zodiac signs, tries to comprehend their former selves. They must discover a way to mend their psychological wounds. When you stop to think about it, reincarnation is just a long process of self-healing.

4. Sagittarius

Jupiter, the planet of wisdom, rules Sagittarius, a fiery and insatiably curious sign. Sag’s unwavering quest to get back in touch with their former selves is a daring fact-finding endeavor. They want to learn from their mistakes, but they also want to comprehend who they were in the past. They will be prepared to choose what kinds of daring actions to performtoo launch themselves someplace beyond the rainbow into a wonderful country of milk and honey when they have gained enough knowledge from their previous lifetimes.





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