4 Zodiacs Graced With Extraordinary Luck

A great old blues song by Albert King called “Born Under a Bad Sign” contains the following lyrics.

Luckily, none of the following four zodiac signs were born under a bad sign. They all had the good fortune to have the sun, moon, and stars align to the point where theyweree the luckiest four signs out of the whole dozen.

But luck is to be cherished, not exploited—if you don’t take care of yourself and appreciate what you’ve been given simply by being born on the right date, luck eventually runs out for everyone.

1. Libra

Libras are ruled by Venus, which is deemed to be the planet that most ensures one’s luck when it comes to things such as love and health. Libras may not be especially lucky regarding material wealth, but if you have passion and health, you are richer than the biggest billionaire. Also, if you radiate love and health, money tends to find its way into your pockets. Because they are symbolized by the “scales,” Libras are often perceived to favor justice and equity. And maybe in theory they support these things, but when it comes to luck, the scales are tilted almost 100% in their favor.

2. Sagittarius

Sagittarians are ruled by Jupiter, which is often linked with physical healing, material wealth, and even miracles. This isn’t to say that Sagittarians should overeat, drink, smoke, do drugs, and fail to exercise because they’re so lucky that the stars will overlook their carelessness and heal their self-inflicted ailments. Neither is it to say that no matter how much material wealth they accrue, they should blow it on trifling pleasures because no one is that lucky. TThe theevolentand all-knowing stars that rule our lives aren’t willing to dole out that many miracles to those who don’t appreciate how lucky they have it. It’s only to say that Sagittarians have a little more luck than most do when it comes to health and wealth when it comes to health and wealth.

3. Leo

Leo is a fire sign that is ruled by the sun—that is their primary stroke of luck, and it came to them at birth. The rest is up to them. While they may not be prone to happenstance instances of “luck” in the sense of, say, winning the lottery or finding that their cancerous tumor has mysteriously disappeared, they were lucky enough to be born under a sign that gives them tremendous drive, passion, confidence, strength, and charisma. They combine these innate traits to forge a path of success for themselves and to counter any strokes of bad luck with the will and determination to overcome them.

4. Taurus

Like Libra, Taurus the Bull is also ruled by Venus. This means they are predisposed to enjoying the endless delights of romantic bliss and physical health far more than all the other signs. Libra is also an earth sign, which signifies that they are rational and won’t let their good luck go to their head. As with Libra, they are not necessarily lucky regarding money. But when it comes to “healthy, wealthy, and wise,” two out of three ain’t bad. If you’re healthy and wise, chances are that you can figure out how to make money come your way





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