Zodiac Signs

4 Zodiacs Getting A Sneak Peak Of Their Next Life Chapter In October

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You are going to meet someone this month, Virgo, who isn’t going to enter your life, just yet. You will have an inexplicable connection with this person and will find yourself drawn to them and fascinated by the idea of getting to know them, but for now, they’ll just be passing through, making a guest appearance in your October. You won’t realize it at the time, but this person is going to play a huge role in your next life chapter. Potentially as a romantic partner, a mentor, or a guide. You are destined to meet and have so much to teach each other. The excitement of the new acquaintance will be the highlight of your month, and you will be so thrilled when life finally brings the two of you back together in a more permanent way.

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Aries, you are going to encounter someone who is currently living the lessons of your next life chapter. Maybe it’s someone who is in a happy, secure relationship, someone who has established their career, or someone self-sufficient and adventurous in a way you’re still scared to be. Whatever the reason, you will be inspired by your exposure to their life, and may not even realize in the moment that you want what they have for yourself. It is only when you are in the middle of that life chapter that you will realize what an amazing example they were to you of what was possible, even then. Most of the time it’s best for you to focus on yourself, but every so often, comparison can give us a productive push forward.

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You’re going to have an insane dream, Gemini. A dream about another you in a completely different life. And when you wake up, something about this fantasy will feel initially painful, because you’ll have left somewhere where you feel a level of satisfaction and contentment you’ve never known in reality. Keep a pen and paper by your bedside so you can write down exactly what it was about this life you enjoyed, and what it was that brought you happiness. What you’re seeing is a taste of your future self, the version of you that still needs to be polished and formed to come into its own. Follow those feelings, honor them, and seek out their equivalents in your waking hours. What’s born in your heart and mind can take shape in the physical world.

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Someone in your life is about to give you a sneak peek of your future life chapter in the form of a demo or plan. A friend who promises that after a month of pilates, you’ll be able to hold a thirty-second plank without screaming out in pain and frustration. A teacher who shows you a path to conversing in another language after just a few weeks of classes. A mentor who will help you budget for that new car you are due for. Sometimes we need help from people who have already walked a path to realize it’s available to us as well. Don’t be afraid to follow in their footsteps. It doesn’t make you any less original or independent than you already are. It just means you don’t have to reinvent the wheel every time.

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