4 Zodiacs Facing Major Changes In November (An Extended Tarot Reading)

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Our tarot reader drew cards to determine which four zodiacs would face big changes in the coming weeks and then did a three-card reading for each of them.  For Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces there are going to be a lot of changes and energy around them. The three cards in the reading represent the overall situation, the specific challenges you’ll see, and some opportunities you’ll be presented with.

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Situation: 2 of Pentacles

As you face the big changes coming, you’ve also got a lot of other items that you’re juggling. It’s hustle time, and there are already a lot of moving pieces. Keep your eyes on what you’re doing. Your adaptability is going to be a huge asset to you as you work through being able to make the most of this intense time.

Challenges: 6 of Wands, Reversed

You aren’t feeling seen right now, Cancer, and it’s making it hard for you to continue the juggling act. Maybe there was a milestone that was missed by those near you, or maybe you’re underappreciated in general, but you don’t feel like all the work you’re putting in is being recognized. Know that you and your work deserve to be seen.

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Opportunities: 9 of Wands

You’ve got a lot of changes you’re working through in addition to an already full plate, but you also have the skills to get it all done. You’re so close! Now’s the time to dig deep and see what kind of perseverance you have. It’s going to take a lot of willpower. Be vigilant about not allowing yourself to descend into negative self-talk during the final push forward!

Putting it All Together: 

You’re juggling a lot of things right now, including all the big changes on your horizon.  You’re able to keep everything moving, but you’re not feeling like the work you’re doing is being acknowledged. You and your efforts are worthy of acknowledgment – seek it from those who matter (don’t allow humility to get in the way of needed support!) You’re in the home stretch and you won’t have to be keeping up this frenetic pace much longer.


Situation: 4 of Cups Reversed

Introspection has led you to face your feelings of dissatisfaction, rejection, and discontent.  You’re emotionally weary and overwhelmed, which is ultimately leading you to withdraw so you can work through it all quietly. The emotional upheaval you’re undergoing is taking a lot of your energy and attention away from things you normally cherish.

Challenges: Page of Cups Reversed

As you process your feelings of emotional overwhelm and mental underwhelm, you might feel emotionally unequipped to handle all of the changes you’re going through. It’s ok to feel overwhelmed, and it’s also ok if you don’t want to talk about it. Know that you aren’t alone. Remember to be kind to yourself through the process.

Opportunities: Page of Wands Reversed

There are so many new possibilities that can spark your enthusiasm. Make sure that you aren’t so emotionally overwhelmed and overtaxed so you can see all of the ideas around you.  It’s an exciting time that’s full of potential.

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Putting it All Together: 

Two Cups and Two Pages – how dreamy, optimistic, and energetic! You’re having a weird time of things Virgo, and are being challenged on a lot of fronts. Not only are you confronting a lot of emotional upheaval and change from your current situation, but you’re also feeling challenged by working through some of what you’re facing. Just processing everything can be overwhelming, much less trying to take care of anything new.  Don’t beat yourself up – you have a lot going on. You must work through the emotional complexities you’re facing because once you’re feeling fresh, you’ll be able to see how you’re surrounded by opportunities for creativity and other expansive efforts.


Situation: The Chariot

Things feel like they have been moving at an extremely fast pace for a while. With so much movement, of course, there’s a lot of change! Your momentum and progress have been due to the confident application of your willpower.  There have been times when you have felt that you’re wrangling opposing energies, but you’ve kept things moving toward your goal!

Challenges: King of Wands

You’ve had a lot of great ideas come to you as you’ve tried to stay focused – and keep everyone else focused. You aren’t just doing this for you – there are others who are watching, who you’re inspiring. It can be a lot of pressure to know when your leadership is at the center of other people’s attention, but it’s important to be aware.

Opportunities: Justice

You are faced with a rare opportunity – the opportunity to make things right. Through your effort and motivation, you have the ability to create more equity and fairness.

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Putting it All Together 

There are two major arcana cards here, which means the change and movement around you is especially intense, Scorpio, and the situation and its opportunities far outweigh any challenges you are facing. You’ve been trying to keep a bunch of things steered in the right direction, and in doing so you’ve made a lot of forward progress.  You know that you have to stay focused on the task at hand, but you’re also aware of the importance of your leadership to others you’re in the situation with. It’s a lot to take on, but as long as you keep the reason you’re doing all of this at the center of your focus, you have the chance to do some long-lasting good in the world!


Situation: 2 of the Pentacles Reversed

Before you even knew such big changes were on the horizon, you were already juggling a lot of responsibilities. You know how important it is to stay adaptable and to keep your eyes on everything. You’ve been multitasking quite a bit so don’t forget to check in with yourself every once in a while to make sure you’re not burning out.

Challenges: 3 of Swords Reversed

You’ve had a lot of your mental energy taken from you in the form of mental anguish and heartbreak.  You’ve been dealing with a painful separation, and while you have been recovering from it you’re still tender and dealing with some trauma that still feels fresh. Give yourself space to grieve.

Opportunities: 9 of Swords

It’s a hard time for you right now, there’s no doubt about it. Not only do you have a lot on your plate but you also are emotionally reeling to the point where you’re finding it hard to sleep at night. The Nine of Swords offers no fast answer – instead, it outlines that this is a time to discover your courage and face your fears. I know, it’s going to be painful – any time we rid ourselves of delusions is.

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Putting it All Together

It’s not just that you have a lot going on – but it’s the mental anguish that you’re dealing with as well, Pisces. The pain and heartbreak you feel make it hard to focus on anything else b so allow yourself the space you need to heal. Give yourself the same grace you’d give to others who are recovering.  While you’re going to be facing a lot of sleepless nights sorting through your feelings and thoughts, you’re also going to be allowed to express courage. It will be tough, but you will emerge stronger from the experience.





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